
With Iger restructuring how Disney is approaching D+ shows it’s clear they won’t be dropping theatrical release movie level budgets on these shows anymore, even though that was really his idea to begin with. Not shockingly, it wasn’t really sustainable. D+ subs were never going to cover them and the idea that they

The director and writer for F&WS should’ve just went with the fan theory that they had to rewrite much of the show on the fly because it originally was about the Flag Smashers releasing a virus and starting a pandemic. They debunked that, and even noted they did minimal rewrites, which were just a few scenes to flesh

Life on earth has evolved some pretty wacky shit. Incredibly powerful toxins that the animal itself is immune to. The stomach acids of animals like crocodiles and vultures are stronger than hydrosulfuric acid. Animals whose blood contains anti-freeze. Animals that can even survive the vacuum of space for a time.

It seems that way, but there’s the mural in the engineers’ ship that shows something similar to the proto-xenomorph. So the one we see at the end of the movie can’t be the first of its kind. It’s all rather unclear, honestly.

I always thought of them something like parasitic wasps. The biggest wasps where I live, Cicada Killers, paralyze cicadas, drag them into a burrow, then lay an egg on the cicada. The larva burrows into the cicada and eats it alive.

That this even got to a district judge, with the defendant saying, “Defendant consequently used Ms. De Armas’s fame, radiance and brilliance to promote the film by including her scenes in the movie trailers advertising Yesterday,” should now be termed the failing incel precedence.

No definitive proof? A starship factory, that was hugely Empire, we see them get arrested, was working against the Republic, and they tried to kill a sitting general. That the council ignored all that was just narratively stupid. It needs to be dumb because a few of them, and some main characters, have to be stupid to

Complete aggravated aside: this website is such non-functional trash now that when I just tried to reply to you through notifications it would bring me to a version of the article where comments wouldn’t even load, let alone the one I was trying to reply to. Refreshing didn’t help so I had to go back to the homepage,

I know that’s it new, and that makes it worse. It’s ridiculously facile and plodding with no emotional investment at all. Whenever anyone defends a criticism as to be wanting to be “spoonfed,” it’s a direct correlation to that person never having watched a good film or show where those stakes are immediately

That Filoni even got handed being a director is really an affront to the directors on the various Star Wars D+ episodes that actually have directed multiple projects prior.  Famuyiwa and Ramsey are great, but Filoni still wrote this entire series, so we’re still stuck with his awful dialogue, and story tempo, and

Oh, and I can’t even like your post. Hitting the star doesn’t seem to do anything. Maybe if I refresh like this is a 1997 Usenet it will stick. 

I can’t even read an article on any of these G/O Media sites on a mobile device. I don’t even try to bother anymore. It reloads constantly, you can’t even get to the end of article, and forget about even trying to comment. It’s been this way at least for a year now.

I’m a bit shocked it was an 85 day schedule to begin with. I mean, Dunkirk was 68, and that was full of difficult multiday practical effects shots. I have no clue how Tenet got to 96 days. I would expect that was due to getting all the matching right on the reverse takes to look seamless.

It needs a better writer too. Those first two episodes were far, far too dependent on knowing the lore of the cartoon series to produce any character stakes at all. I’m fairly familiar with them but I still found it quite flat. I can’t even imagine what it would be like for a viewer coming in cold. It was basically,

D+ isn’t Iger’s experiment though. He was brought back to rein in the massive spending on Marvel and Star Wars D+ series in particular and the first thing he said is there’s going to be a lot less of it. As far as Ahsoka, though Samba and Disney’s metrics are wildly different, even Samba is saying the premire was a

Reading the Deadline article, I’m a little surprised that SAG wants Parrot Analytics to be the firm to figure out streaming residuals. They seem as shady as the studios and claim to be able evaluate the “monetary worth” of a show or movie using all sorts of metrics.

It’s a streaming show, so there really wouldn’t have been residuals. Paramount is also the distributor, so residuals would be on them. This is just more of what Disney’s CFO said they’d be doing this year. Which is jettisoning IP’s Disney doesn’t fully own and taking losses on them. She said Disney expects there will

Disney isn’t shopping it, Paramount is. For Disney to take the impairment charge on it, which they mostly certainly are doing (the CFO said in May they expect $1.5-1.8 billion impairment charge by removing shows this year), the asset is off their books and they can not make any money on it. Disney will be able to take

That’s simply not feasible. You can’t force a company to stream something. You’d be forcing the company to keep an asset on it’s balance sheet that it doesn’t want and screw up it’s books. Honestly, I don’t a contract with such a clause would be legally enforceable to begin with. What Disney (and a lot of studios) is

WTF? I know, I said as much, but you said Trebek hosted through a SAG strike, which is untrue. I understand the Network Code and I’m not saying Jennings is a scab. He’s just a massive douche whose been trying to defend himself with by bringing Trebek into it without context. Drew Carey, since you singled him out, has