
There was a presumption Stalin would honor the pact, and act as an arbiter, both because Russia had already lost so much in the war and Japan assumed there was a common interest between Russia and Japan in keeping the US from having a permanent military presence in northeast Asia. Japan was obviously unaware of the

Actually, I’m now seeing conflicting budgets. Variety has the production budget at $130 million, which is on par with the first one. Which is still nothing to scoff at obviously. I actually thought the first Meg had a bigger box office than it did. Again, a bit over a half billion is nothing to scoff at but that was

Huh, I had no idea he was up to direct TR at one point.

The question is, why would Stalin broker a peace that did not benefit him at all, since you seem to think the Japanese were inclined to think he might?

I’m not sure what you are talking about. The agreement would be to cede what Stalin had already pushed into, northern China and the Korean peninsula, formerly Japanese territories. It had nothing to do with giving up home islands, just what Japan had gained in eastern Asia up to that point. Russia COULD NOT invade

I only noticed yesterday that Ben Wheatley directed this film. When I saw it mentioned on social media I assumed there must coincidentally be another Ben Wheatley, but, no, it’s actually Ben Wheatley. As a fan of Wheatley I’m not sure how this nugget of info has so escaped me this whole time but I’m left dumbfounded,

The Red army didn’t have a navy or any way to land on the home islands. Stone is not right at all, and every actual historian, on either side of the bomb debate, knows this. Why Russia declaring war on Japan was influential to the Japanese high command was because they saw Russia, and were in contact with Russia, as

It’s truly mindboggling. As though former USSR countries were coerced into joining NATO when the fact is they did so to protect themselves from Russia invading them and forcing them back into Russian control. Stone pulls the same ole BS that the West should’ve made more overtures to bring Russia into the world economy

Seriously. I just went and looked up an interview from the time Sucker Punch came out, and not only can Snyder not truly explain the intent of the movie but he uses the adjectives “crazy” or “cool” 20+ times in a relatively short interview.

From interviews like this: I honestly can’t really tell what his intent is. He basically gets lead by the interviewer into saying the movie is a critique of “sexist geek culture” but the really doesn’t offer any

Apparently I haven’t seen Bay in a while. The fuck? That hair? I had to check that is was a real Getty image. Good lord, man. I too have pattern baldness. You either shave that shit or, if want to let it grow long, you just accept it as it is. You don’t try to hairspray half you’re long hair on one side over you’re

The dancers didn’t have a choice. They weren’t “invited” they were forced to go to keep their jobs. Lizzo, back in 2019 had an interview where she expressed a lot of enthusiasm to going to the Bannenbar in Amsterdam and her love of live sex shows, which, that’s her prerogative. She’s free to do what she likes. What

Have to love the “Christian” hypocrisy in being proselytized all day at your job while the same people force you to eat a banana out of a strippers vagina or potentially lose your job.

Please, no more Sucker Punch. It might be the most misogynistic studio movie ever made. A directors cut, especially after seeing the alt ending, could only make it worse. Somehow, Synder still doesn’t see this, or has taken it on board, and wants to revive that swill? Just stop giving this guy creative control over

One must take anything Stone says about history with a massive grain of salt. He still pushes a very conspiratorial view of history, often with basic facts wrong, and has also become a massive Putin apologist in the last decade, calling him a great leader. Even after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which Stone said would

What? It’s not the woman who splashed Cardi, and who Cardi threw the mic at, that made the police report. It was someone standing next to her who says the mic bounced off her and hit them. Also, watch video of the show. Cardi asks to get splashed with water, and does, throughout the show. There’s literally water being

Watch video from the show. Cardi repeatedly asks to get splashed with water on stage, and does, throughout the show, at one point bending over and facing her ass to crowd and telling them to, “put that in my pussy,” while she’s showered with people trying to splash water on her. Apparently she took offense to the fact

The last strike was won because smaller indie studios agreed to the unions’ terms, like these smaller studios are now, and showed they were fair, equitable and still profitable, which was instrumental in forcing the larger studios and distributors to accept the last terms. SAG-AFTRA isn’t being shy in saying this is

Wow, you’re a moron. Both the WGA and SAG had nearly 100% strike votes BECAUSE the current situation doesn’t allow for them to make a decent living and pay their rent. The only indie productions getting interim agreements are because they have agreed to the unions’ terms and those workers know they will be getting a

Contracts don’t get “rolled back” to what’s agreed upon in the future, and the aren’t small potatoes, they are exactly what the union is asking for now.