
Those agreements are contracts and not “functionally useless.” Any distributor, AMPTP or not, has to abide by them. The contracts can’t be “superseded” by a distributor. That’s SAG’s whole reasoning behind them. An AMPTP company can not distribute the films without agreeing to the contract. So they either pass on

You can’t really extricate what google has done from FB, less so with Twitter now that a madman runs it, in how they’ve lead the charge with algorithmic based searches that just point you to sites that are heavily dependent on their own ad revenue. Google is almost useless now as a search engine. If you try to search

No. It belongs to both. The reason Jay even made the, “girl’s girl,” dig was because Grande was showing up that their house, presenting herself as friend, was carrying the baby around and offering help, while she and Slater were already in an affair. Both Grande and Slater were being duplicitous and awful.  

What? Man, some of these comments from men. Do you not have free will? It just melts in the face of pretty woman and you are no longer a participant in reality, just dragged by the tide? The most false assumption is “coming on to,” like that’s some forgone conclusion. We have no idea who pursued who, and that doesn’t

The fuck? “Readily available?” So the man has no free will and isn’t responsible for what he does? Grande put some witchcraft on Slater that he was unable to resist? WTF are you even talking about? 

Jay really hasn’t said much aside from the, “girl’s girl” dig, which is reflective of reports that Grande came out of nowhere, basically presented to be a new friend to her, who cared about her child and family, who she invited into her house, and was actually fucking her husband at that time. That’s an extra layer of

User engagement, such a large amount of comments, used to be a primary driver to selling ads from companies that sought your audience. These days though? The rise of algorithmic “personalized” ads that feed off your browser history and just otherwise plastering ads all over sites, and having sites force refreshes when

“[There’s] a big fight in Episode 6, but there’s also this incredibly vulnerable conversation between a broken Gravik and a really broken Fury, who we ultimately learn is G’iah. But when you’re watching it, you are watching two men say ‘I’m sorry,’ which is kind of groundbreaking in a way,”

All instrumentation video and comms from any military craft are classified indefinitely for national security reasons. You’ll only see them if they are leaked. That’s why the DOD refused the FOI to release any other videos they may have. Info can be gleaned from these videos by military adversaries, as they can reveal

Yes, obviously, he was alive. Sinatra died in 1998.

Kinison did a parody video called Nothing is There.

This article is bizarrely credulous and I can’t tell if they are doing so to be funny. That hearing was embarrassing. It was like an old Art Bell broadcast, but on the house floor. Next up skinwalkers and bigfoot. 

Those videos are evidence of nothing but the pilots not being optical engineers and misunderstanding how their instrumentation works and cause things like a parallax effect and/or appearing to be not moving due to basic physics. Despite what people think, fighter pilots are not trained on every aspect of how their

Nothing was “revealed” at the hearing, other than that Grusch is nut job, which you’d already know if you were familiar with him, and Graves and Fravor aren’t far behind. It was nationally embarrassing more than anything.

Morrissey makes a few good points but, as usual, can’t help but make it actually about himself and his feeling “canceled” for being a douchebag. Unlike himself, O’Connor was made a pariah for actually being correct. 

Aside from Kristofferson, pretty much. Madonna, Joe Pesci, Clay, Kinison, Sinatra, etc. Pretty much every big name at the time that offered an opinion ridiculed her. Sinatra said he’d beat up if she was a man. Pesci was on SNL not long after and said if he was hosting he would have smacked her, which received massive c

It’s really hard to describe the level of backlash O’Connor got from ripping up a picture of the pope if you weren’t there. Madonna criticized her (Papa Don’t Preach and Like a Prayer were her biggest videos that year). Frank Sinatra said if she wasn’t a woman he’d kick her ass. A couple weeks later she got booed off

She said outright because it was of the Catholic child abuse cases that were being ignored to anyone who would interview her at the time.

It took literally 32 seconds after the Irish Times posted that she had passed on Twitter. 

This show was a pretty convoluted and sloppily written mess and nothing close to the paranoid spy thriller they tried to market it as. It felt cobbled together and all the rewrites an reshoots really showed. Gravik’s plans never made any sense because his actual motivations seemed to change from episode to episode. A