

I doubt he cared about custody. It was all about an ironclad NDA and fear when it came to came to giving up Suri. Kidman, to this day, talks more about their adopted kids, Connor and Isabella, than Cruise does, lamenting that they chose to become Scientologist’s. Now, I completely understand a celebrity protecting

Fuck Tom Cruise. If the mega-wealthy leader of an abusive cult, who somehow repeatedly gets a pass for this, and is asking for a union exemption to promote his movie, is the savior of cinema? Then that version of cinema needs to die a fiery death.

Except, when tickets were bought by donors for Black Panther for disenfranchised areas, it was organized, the tickets were actually used and people were actually at the showings. In this case, tickets are being bought but people aren’t actually there. It’s basically an astroturfing scam to inflate the box office.

It doesn’t matter when it was made, or how innocuous it was when made, it matters how it’s being used now. The tag at the end of the movie featuring Caviezel was added to promote conspiracy nonsense and beg for donations. Have you seen Caviezel’s recent interviews? He has been doing the rounds promoting the most

How dare those deplorables go and see a movie.

So you want good movies, like Oppenheimer (and Barbie for that matter) to fail... to teach the studios not to make good movies?

The bomb effects were completely practical. Apparently it was mix of in camera lighting effects and liquid photography effects. Which should be much cheaper than CGI. Aronofsky used liquid photography effects for the end of The Fountain. It’s really quite cool. I haven’t seen Oppenheimer yet so I can’t speak to

In the greater scheme of things, the future of smart, savvy, deeply felt filmmaking that deserves a wide, summer release may hinge on a movie about a bomb not bombing.

There wasn’t much left to drop nuclear strikes on at that point. US firebombing had already killed far more people than an either atomic bomb. There really weren’t any cities left.

To be clear, Wagner couldn’t have “grabbed a few nukes.” Nuclear warheads, and their delivery systems, are extraordinarily complex tech. Even if someone grabbed a nuclear warhead, there’s nothing they could really do with it. There’s no way to properly start the reaction. The most that could done is make a low scale

I haven’t seen Oppenheimer yet, so maybe it’s the outlier in Nolan’s films, but I think Ladybird alone is better than anything Nolan’s ever done. So there’s that. I find Nolan to be oppressively clinical in his style and lacking any realistic human emotion in his characters.

Then maybe have ONE “I’m gonna start WWIII so I can rule the ashes” desperate gambit defeated at the climax, instead of having 3 already fail to end the world by this point.

Something that I hope the film captures is that Oppenheimer was very much not a great guy and not nearly as naïve as he, or some biographers, portrayed him to be. Both in his personal and professional life there was no particularly strong moral compass. He really just tried to grab every opportunity presented to him.

So you haven’t seen the movie? I haven’t either, so I wouldn’t presuppose what it shows/says. In the same interview, that I’m presuming you’re taking about Nolan’s choices, said from it also discusses Oppenheimer’s willingness to bomb heavily populated areas if necessary. Since the movie includes Leslie Groves, who

What are you talking about? Schlicke had no involvement in anything regarding atomic bombs. 

I’m not loving this show either. It’s just... flat. It also doesn’t have the pacing and plot tightness required of a spy-thriller or show that revolves around the insidious concept of people being able to be replaced. Frankly, Gravik’s plans have all been pretty uncreative, haphazard and dumb. Dude has skrull allies

Artists aren’t “content creators” and a musician most certainly has every right to call out asswipes at their shows that are distracting them or their audience. You’ll note the rest of the audience cheered on Lambert’s response chiding the idiot “influencer who was trying to create “content” not actually listen to

There aren’t fucking fans. They’re “influencers”, one of the scourges of modern society. If they were fans they would’ve been sitting there listening to the music like everyone else, rather than standing up during a slow ballad, when everyone else was seated, and trying to get the best shot for their Instagram or

I should also note those celeb net worth sites are super questionable. There’s quite a few TV actors on Twitter who have been looking up their supposed net worth on these sites and saying they are utter BS and they wish they were true. I think it was D.B. Woodside who started the trend when some chud was like, “oh