
I agree 100%.

Nice frits.

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.

I just bought one as a replacement for my wife’s cheater TDI. This car is amazing! Got it for 21k!! Can’t beat the SHO!

Can’t unsee!

Well, when you’re really heavy you have to deal with these types of problems. If he were 8 feet tall and his head kept wearing out the headliner, would anyone expect Hyundai to keep replacing the headliner?


It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.

It’s a car blog, seems like all it is lately is a way to critique the new administration. Get back to car stories, if I want political comedy I will go to the huffington post.

Oh, the Twin I-Beam. Destroyer of bushings, eater of tires, denier of all alignments. Speaking of which, I need to order bushings for mine.

It’s like a Nissan Buick.

Thanks, Terrell. I’m generally in favor of strong defense, as the alternative usually costs more in the long run (and I don’t believe in cutting ties at all). But I have to question why you think that wealthy European countries can’t afford to pay their own way. I’m talking about a percentage of GDP, not overall

As this article seems to be largely an attempt at defending the past administrations policy and damning the one that started 1 hour ago, I will only point out that, even as such, it is poorly thought out. One can basically stop reading after this early sentence “His coordinated efforts with the European Union to

<If Russian troops can enter Estonia or Poland, in theory, why not Germany as well?>

I like this, but I’d rather see it without the buttresses. Upright truck cabs just look better. Own the truckiness.

In other deep thoughts, why did I waste all that money on door locks when nobody even breaks in?

Aaaand now it’s political

My personal favorite:

If Steve Buscemi were a Mustang...