
Some pretty creative uses here. I use to buy stuff at the dollar store as well for my cosplays. Great place to look for materials, 2nd spot is a hardware store.

Good article. Lots of good points, mainly for the right to repair your own stuff. You could claim that repairman could get at patented stuff inside of cars which would be the equivalent of by-passing security inside of consoles or whatever, it’s a very poor point with no real basis in reality.

So would you do this at the con or before it? I’m wondering about the actual logistics of such an app. I’ve been to several cons myself, and seldom have time to even communicate quickly.

They don’t really sell much of any other comparable school bags. I’ve never seen any myself. I’m not sure on this, but it may even be a requirement to have a randoseru, no other types. These things are pretty durable. Also, less landfill waste.

What a ridiculous thing to do. You want people in your park, right? So why would you try and get rid of them regardless of whatever legal activity they’re doing? Why not hire an enforcement officer or two to patrol the area, impose fines on those who DO litter. Offer more garbage cans, etc...

I’m pissed that they lowered my Lapras’s CP by *400*!! I spent the last two weeks leveling it up from 2100 to 2505, then to get it thrown back to 2100. WTH?

That’s the exact same question I have about “Overwatch”. I’ve never played it, but am wondering if people still play it.

I like the carousel, but it begs the question, if there are only 3 balls (right now), why display 2 and a half? It makes for selecting the ultra ball a tad tricky and awkward. Just scale to fit them all in.