
If Cumberbatch can be famous with that face so can Lautner with his.

True. But it's less cool when you wipeout on a Vespa

I removed my post after looking at a few more articles and Twitter posts. Sorry.

Soft-bellied no jawline havin' little kids. They're about as commanding as a tub of mayo.

That's been my favorite comeback from these AR assholes. Every single time they've been called out for chanting their Nazi bullshit. They always claim BLM and AntiFA DID IT TOO!

That's the aspect of this group that astounds me. They don't seem to see that this country fought this literal idiocy in one of the biggest wars the US was involved in. But they act like their rights are being stepped on because people are calling them Nazis while parroting racist shit like "Fuck the Jews!" and

Do you guys remember the amazing interview he did with Colbert years ago? I never laughed so hard. Sendak is a fucking legend.

Poor fire

It's worse when this idiot is trying to turn it in a neutral game by not calling anyone out. Not that it's surprising, he's got Bannon and David Duke jerking off into his ears and mouth.

Because the attacker is White. The US news has an awful habit of doing the same thing.

I admired the many cops and departments coming out against his "joke" that night. Especially condemning the cops behind him who were laughing at it. Much respect.

He has no problem joking about police brutality either

I hate Illinois Nazis

Don't be so hard on yourself. I do the same thing in my real life public rants.

That's always my favorite when these dudes post a reply. I liked the White guy in that group of Banana Republic "Nazis" saying that White people need their own country.

Doing the Hitler salute and yelling out "Fucking Jews!" wasn't enough? The pussies even showed up with their own makeshift riot gear in case someone called them terrible names.

I was just thinking the other day politics could use more White trash

That bothers me too. I was disappointed they didn't keep it gold either.