Indiana Jones being a bit problematic is basically tradition.
Indiana Jones being a bit problematic is basically tradition.
Why the fuck would you want to “show it to your kids”? I wouldn’t show The Last Temptation of Christ or The Godfather to my kids. They were intended for adult minds.
We’ve entered a new age of puritanism, it’s simply secular puritanism this time around. The film shows a child with a crush on an adult and the adult…
Exactly. Seeing these losers trip over themselves to declare that “Actually I found it disturbing at the TIME” is pathetic.
That would require understanding that characters can have moral ambiguity, something far above what these perpetually online folks can wrap their heads around.
“20 Best Films of All Time — Ranked By An Expert Jury”
I can’t believe I’m having to say this in 2023, I thought we had collectively gotten past this, but since we clearly haven’t let me spell it out clearly: this is their list.
This is genuinely chilling. I know this is “just gaming news,” but this article is appalling. Putting aside this absolutely insane “Russian Sin” concept that literally every individual within Russian borders (does this include Belarus?) should be boycotted because they are all guilty of the war (Would it be moral…
For me the issue is that an article is usually about games that someone is recommending, and the breathless headline certainly insinuates that this is one of those articles. But then the first thing you say is you don’t know if the games are any good. What on earth is an article like this *useful* for?
I can list 10…
Good article, and mostly right, but as many others have mentioned, you’re totally off the mark with America Chavez. Her strength lies in the fact that you are guaranteed not to draw an unplayable 6-cost card until the last round of the game, effectively giving you an 11-card deck. As anyone with CCG experience knows,…
If he were that broken he’d be in every deck, and he’s not. He exists so Kazar doesn’t totally dominate the entire Pool 1/2 metagame.
"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.
Very professional response to a valid question. And, yet, bloggers still aren't considered serious journalist.
This post is so weird and sad and disappointing.
wow, really? An article about how the porn is just getting worse and worse nowadays because it's a slippery slope that leads the lost ever further into oblivion. Like a gateway drug, once you start looking at the naked boobies, soon you'll need to see a prolapsed anus to get off. I think I heard this as a Baptist…
Really? Sexist response is funny. but I have a vagina dear.
“When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something, they'll tell you.”
― Walter Payton
that is all.
Gawker Media: Your Source of White Guilt Since 2003!
Well, Jezebel's ugly fauxminist head resurfaces again. Being presented with an obvious symptom of an abusive relationship - the victim is being isolated from her friends - and then bleating about how it's her "choice" to be abused, pardon, to stay in the relationship. Why bother trying to help people with…