Is the field blue? That seems wrong.
Is the field blue? That seems wrong.
Huge Ace fan, but he can go a little overboard at times. Glad to hear that Simmons isn't banned, as his appearances with Ace are tears-coming-out-of-eyes hilarious.
Will it also identify that "Blinded by the Light" is originally a Springsteen song?
Vote: MS Office Communicator
Great to watch history being made. Felt bad for the American, but tennis is cruel sometimes.
Great football match so far by the Americans.
The Big Break is really the only reality/game show I watch and I expected Blair to be among the first eliminated. The lady's got a hell of a decent swing.
Hopefully the remaining tracks will feature some Brad Paisley ("The World" would be good) and Keith Urban. Two great modern guitarists.
All you really need to know is this: The Calgary Flames are your new overlords.
To say that people are going crazy here in Calgary would be a bit of an understatement.
I might add him to my office pool team.
I'm hoping to try a triathlon this year. Nothing like an Ironman - maybe 1/4 of the distance. I've battled knee/ankle injuries the past few years, so it's a tough goal for me...yikes.
WiiFit helped me lose 15lbs for my wedding this past summer. I gained a little back over the holidays but I'll be back on the wagon when I'm back home in a few days.
Got married, found a great job in IT sales, and lost 20 pounds (for the wedding). All in all, not a bad year.
It's ABOUT DAMN TIME some country was put into Guitar Hero. America's music doesn't take a back seat to anything else!
Damn straight! We love our football up here.
Ah ha ha ha...the douchebag has been suspended indefinitely.