
I don’t think this is targeted to kids. I might get one for my office.

Fear of potential future cancer is one thing, fear of a poor quality device exploding in your mouth is another. I won’t google photos of the latter again.

I like how you avoided the obvious joke to let everyone in the comments make it.

Robert Van Winkle gotta eat.

It’s no coincidence that 5 of these, fully one third, are from Darin Morgan’s episodes. The best.

If I gave 20-years-ago me a complete list of what I can watch on Hulu anytime I choose, and told me it cost less than the price of a single movie ticket each month, I wouldn’t believe me.

Whereas I’ve got nothing to plug into a jack and would hate losing screen-estate to a button. Hopefully we’ll both get a model we like.

If Zhao has made a good movie (and damn, what a track record so far!), I don’t care whether this question is ever addressed in it. Best case, they come up w/ some bullshit excuse that won’t satisfy. Worst case, they could’ve chosen not to make any new films to avoid pedantic whinging. I’m happy to get more.

“C’mon, just come clean please nice hacker and we’ll give you $500k, no questions askakahahaHAHAAAAA!!! Sorry, we couldn’t keep a straight face. You’re fucked if we find you.

Pretty good book:


4 or 5 hrs motionless w/ his neck like that for maybe 5 seconds of him on the floor? Damn. Definitely worth a bottle. Even if he’s exaggerating, I’d bet not by much.

Think I’ll watch Spartan again tonight.

I want to see The Eradicator play squash with his Canadian namesake.

Links broken for everyone else, or just me?

They had me at Mark Hamill. The rest is good gravy.

This is better than that other congressional fk’n idiot who asked whether an island could tip over.

Little bit of The Witness in there, too. Nice.

Yeoh could’ve been great. I wonder how she would have delivered that so-earnest “It’s not about you” line while dying. Swinton was perfect there.

Like any soap opera, I guess it was never about the destination.