
“Car wash mode” [snort]

WHOOOOP whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop!

DG is one talented guy.

Those coins seem a good plot device for stories. I like what Jim Butcher’s done w/ them in his Dresden series.

Is The Witcher gonna put their main character in a coma, and he wakes up 3 stone lighter?

Dudes are just trying to feel something. Anything. This won’t do it.

Anyone who thinks a blue check means “verified” isn’t paying attention. Just means “verified their payment cleared”.

Charlie Theron

That just seems like bad code. Premature optimization may be the root of all evil, but fixing this would not have been premature.

Reading is fun. Ye mental?

If you bribe crows with daily peanuts and cheese (not too much lest they forget how to forage), they may nest nearby and chase hawks away from your chickens. A perfect arrangement.

I like that someone can use this to get past a must-do fight they just can’t win for whatever reason (not everyone can just get good enough through repetition). Lets them play more of this great game they bought.

Got this for my daughter for xmas, QR code is the same for all puzzles - only the code in the box matters. No point doing the puzzle unless it looks fun. She enjoyed it, she loves color-themed puzzles, but there are more interesting color puzzles for the price.

Got this for my daughter for xmas, QR code is the same for all puzzles - only the code in the box matters. No point

Seems like every trucker out there should refuse to drive in Colorado. Money talks.

It’s great, even if you’re just an aging software developer w/ worsening eyesight. Too bad mine’s been idle in my work office since Mar 2020 ‘cuz I don’t have room in my home office for it.

It’s great, even if you’re just an aging software developer w/ worsening eyesight. Too bad mine’s been idle in my

The best Star Wars space combat game is Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger.

Won’t support Kinect. Boo :(

“Pooping” sounds definitive. “Pooing” sounds like soft serve.

Add three more of those, and you’ve the epilogue to one of The Rock’s cheat meals.

Nice troll ;)