
Dating decent men doesn’t get you instagram followers. God, Karen, you are so stupid!

Can’t one if them date a teacher? Doctor? Aid worker?

Yeah. If it’s not taboo, that takes away half the intrigue. Plus, it seems like people are less likely to get dangerously wasted if they’re ordering drinks at bars (where there are bartenders who can stop serving people who are too drunk) instead of chugging vodka in dank basements.

Twitter is the enemy of discourse. If anti-intellectualism weren’t already rampant in our society, maybe Twitter would never have caught on. But its continued use certainly doesn’t help elevate any conversation we’re already having. And everyone thinks that they alone are the ones using the medium to do good things,

Hold onto your hat, people are going to scream Wendell Pierce at this comment for the next week.

“By focusing on the DNC-promoted lede of “Bernie supporters violently disrupt convention” / ‘Roberta Lange receives death threats,’ you are misleading your readers,” one wrote.

How does this have anything to do with anyone except the person in the accident? People just like dropping the B word around here all too often.

Right? Love how quickly this turned into white male vs Betonce

You mean like when the headline says “Conservative caught in sex sting” or “Trump supporter sends racist tweets” or maybe “Republican Senator indicted on money laundering charges”.

Real revolutions are started by people facing true hardships: life-threatening poverty, violent corruption, gross injustice. They are not started by people experiencing relative prosperity who are just really, really upset that they’re not getting their way. This is not a revolution, it’s a revolution fantasy. Berners

“But how, just how in the fucking world are my fellow Dems/progressives devolving into such rabid zealots. . .”

The only difference between Sanders and Trump supporters is that Trump supporters tend to have jobs.

A Canadian song sung in Mexican? LOL

Today I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole Foods Market. The company did nothing wrong. I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story. I want to apologize to Whole Foods and its team members for questioning the company’s commitment to its values, and especially the bakery associate

Why do people do this? He isn’t the first and won’t be the last. Is it a need for attention or some sort of persecution complex? Or are they just looking for an easy pay day? Seriously asking.

Maybe you should talk to your chair flipping compatriots and get them to stop acting like petulant violent assholes. My reaction to this violence is far more than an eyeroll.

He’s starting to look more and more like Gollum. He got a brief hold of the ring and now he really wants it apparently. I think he actually comes across as a righteous dick in interviews and his extremist supporters are so riled up now they are crying persecution and flocking to Trump just to be petulant dicks.

What’s so funny is jez and gawker were laughing and high fiving over the prospect of a highly contentious possibly brokered GOP convention, and now that's what the dems have while the pubs are coming together...heheh.

Berniebros are just Trump supporters that don’t hate minorities, they still hate women though

Berners have gone from simply being insufferable crybabies to having full-on toddler-style temper tantrums as well. That’ll bring people around to your way of thinking, geniuses.