
Damn Bruh this was funny as hell. I couldn’t even get past the nigga In the hat bit. Funny thing I had a Get Out moment. I went out to my white friends house last Sunday for a BBQ, Granted it’s cold as fuck in Ga right now so yeah white ppl. well she didn’t let me know her dad was a NRA memeber with an arsenal that

Wypipo are amazing aren’t they? They’ll easily brush off when PoC are called racial slurs but curl up and cry in their wypipo shells when someone calls them a racist.

... you guys are kidding, right?

No, bacterium/bacteria.


(btw if you were using sarcasm and i missed it, sorry for the hot take)

Fun fact: -ae is pronounced “ee” in the medical world. It’s a little awkward sometimes, like “back-teer-ee-ee.”


it’s bacteria

I’ve presented no evidence to suggest I don’t know what vapid means. :)

Being a recluse and writing about a subject don’t mean anything about the quality of one’s poetry, so neither statement made by your professor supports your allegation that her poetry is trash.

are you seriously implying Emily Dickinson is bad? I was in a chemistry class where an experiment was happening that involved a pink flame and someone asked if all flames were pink and the entire class slowly turned to stare at him until he realized he was an idiot. we had just covered spectroscopy the week before.

honestly this is my favorite comment ever because her first album with her old band is my guilty pleasure

Wait, she used to have a band! I had forgotten. Selena Gomez and the... Something. Scene?

I never said but obama... I never made excuses.. I literally stated a fact. Go ahead and read into what I said so that you can get upset over nothing. Go sit on a toilet, you seem constipated from holding in all that hot gas in your head.

Woah woah buddy. You need to get out of here before the tolerant disconnected liberals will throw lattes at you. Some words here have a meaning and saying anything like you’re RIGHT automatically gets you NAZI status. Move along and do it quickly before the peaceloving coffeeshop dwellers will beat you to a pulp.

I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m

Such special snowflakes. The entire country is turning into a dumpster fire but at least they are still pure. *vomit* They are the physical embodiment of the “This is fine” dog.