
It probably should have occurred to you that if your son was “too young to discuss misbehavior and listen to no-no” that maybe he was a baby.

What’s more disturbing is that filming in a men’s bathroom is now not even remarked on.

Just FYI for those who for some stupid reason or another wonder why they’re protesting.

Okay, let me say before I say anything else that I speak solely for my own half-Native self and nobody else. And this is just how I feel, personally.

No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet.

Feinberg 2020


And if I found a flake of pure gold in a pile of my own bloody stools, I’d still be worried about what the fuck is wrong with me.

And this is why racism persists and why Trump won. Not just because of racist white people, but white people who supposedly aren’t refuse to condemn it.

For me, this election is different. This isn’t my dad voting for Romney and then having a measured discussion about tax rates or trade deals or even a sane discussion about women’s rights. This is my dad emailing me vile memes and filth about a woman presidential candidate. This is my dad calling me to yell “we

I remember Dan Savage used to say that cutting people out was the only power we have against them. Use it.

my sister voted to take my health insurance away, knowing I have a pre-existing condition and knowing I will die without treatment. She doesn’t love me, because love is something you do.

As someone who has recently cut out almost all immediately family within the last year, I am really proud of you. The euphoria gets you through the first few weeks. Right around a month you start counting all the little ways they pissed you off. The urge to call up every single one of them and read them to filth is

I burned every bridge with my Trump voting family members yesterday. At first it was scary. Then it felt good.

What do you mean “do your part?” You didn’t show up. Those numbers are real and they don’t lie. You. DID NOT. SHOW UP.


“I’m not actually to blame for this. I understand and share your anger.”

To me that’s fucking hilarious and good for you. I guess your co workers are a little too PC?

You’re awesome.

Hopefully today will be my first full day of work. Yesterday I was sent home, “not as a reprimand, but to calm down and get some perspective.”