That was the key line for me. Holding a conversation is not “weight of the world on your shoulders” worthy, unless you think other people are for catering to you.
That was the key line for me. Holding a conversation is not “weight of the world on your shoulders” worthy, unless you think other people are for catering to you.
I’ve been on dates where I’m the one holding up the conversation, like Atlas.
Compared to Trump, bobby newport is a sweetheart
I’m beyond excited and legit teared up while watching the preview.
Oh sure you could. Sure you could, my little BitchSwan.
Gotta lurve the amount of facts you didn’t put in your rant. Pathetic, in fact....
Trick question. They’re all the mean one.
On... on his foot, right?
Extra points for your moniker! :-)
agree. Also there is always somebody who is like “it’s a religion not a race” It’s both, so yes racism applies especially in this situation.
Yeah I’m not seeing how racist was the wrong word at all. Although who knew not being pure white bread meant you couldn’t be racist against anyone ever? We have been taught with that I’m Mexican comment lol.
Heather calls her racist, which was the correct spirit but the wrong word and Kelly counters with: “I’m Mexican!” which has literally nothing to do with the situation at hand.
She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.
Given what we’ve seen of them this past year, “political outsider” apparently means “old white man whose pre-election career was marked by mediocrity and failures”.
I’m usually down with HamNo when he plays contrarian bee-hive baseball, but... I won’t even say this is a hot take. It’s a day-old, hardened leftover pizza slice of a take.
Can we please stop referring to Sanders as a political outsider? How does spending the last 25 years in the House and Senate make him an outsider? I swear that was the political buzzword of this whole primary season.
One of the more fascinating (and annoying) things about this election cycle has been seeing how many of my left-leaning friends are every bit as capable of delusion as conservatives. I have several who are convinced — positively CONVINCED — that Sanders was screwed out of the primary and that he would be crushing…
The socialists wouldn’t have won without any Congressional support. Or without state support (look how states dismantle ACA.)
It will never cease to amuse me how much we clamor for socialism and point to Scandinavian countries as the gold standard despite the fact that it is open only to their own citizens, a path to citizenship essentially does not exist, and the nationalism and xenophobia in those nations is second to none. So how this…