
You’re a piece of shit, and you need to to shut the fuck up.

I always figured that you learned everything you know from TV, which is why you spread idiocy as fact.

I’m sure you’re a homophobic asshole who couldn’t tell the difference between research and bullshit.

Relax! Your theory is just homophobia. You obviously don’t need any research to support that, just your shitty anecdotally based “theories” of human sexuality.

Your paper is homophobic trash, not research.

You know that Kobe Bryant is a rapist right?

This is obviously murder. Judges are very good about making notes.

The only people who think Latino is an ethnicity are U.S. Americans who think “African” and “European” are ethnicities too, but tell you that if you’re not from Texas, you can’t possibly understand what being from Texas is like.

Obviously Blackchelorette is not a good option

Oh. My. God. How slow reacting were these parents? Was it like, just shock at the incongruity of the found object, or did they just not understand how much all those tests were going to cost in time, money, pain, and possible health?

Did he push the plunger? Where did he stick it?

Uh huh! They have mysteriously aggressive elevators though...

“Until such time as the straight world is not attacking people for cruising, I’d say the gay world could actually keep that to themselves, just for a little bit longer.”

This expresses everything about the current struggle for gay acceptance that my fake liberal family does not understand. You forced us to come out

So then the non-white women do the housework then while you’re in Vegas?

No one encourages me to be okay with homophobia quite like the black community. I keep hearing “We can be friends as long as you’re not such a faggot about it”. Even in this comments section you’ve got black gay men waving their “okay with the word faggot” flag and receiving positive affirmations for their

What’s funny is how all these liberals look for good moral reasons to hate Israelis so they can align themselves with the oppressed Palestinians, but the Palestinians don’t bother to do this and just hate Israelis axiomatically for being Jewish. Jews don’t actually have to do anything to be hated anywhere within the

Honey you are cracked out if you think you can talk about Muslim minorities anywhere in the middle east. There used to BE jews in Muslim countries, but now they only have Israel because Muslim countries are all anti-semitic shitholes that have already driven out all Jewish communities.


Fuck you.

Yes, whereas all of the Muslim majority countries AROUND Israel have done what to their Jewish populations?

How about you explain why I should support a group of people who would beat and kill me for being gay if i tried to visit them? Why should i support the plight of people who want to hurt gay people like me? If I go to Israel with my husband, our marriage is recognized. If I go to Palestine, we get beaten down in

THIS. Thank you.

As a gay jew, I’m not interested in supporting Palestinians one bit. Sorry, but I’m not on you’re side if you’re not on mine. I’m not that self-sacrificing and I don’t need to be. Maybe I’d be more interested in decolonizing Palestine if the leaders of Palestine weren’t interested in increasing all

Lol. Commenters be trippin because I can’t believe this was uncredited.