
And you could also just tell siri “turn on low power mode”

This is, of course, in addition to taking snapshots of street maps, signs, and any important piece of paper that crosses your path.

Agreed. I always bring my printed out travel docs (boarding pass, confirmation email) as backups.

Also honestly if you know your route and you know it’s golden, I don’t know why you have Google Maps or whatever out anyway. Like, save your battery power and data and just drive if you know what you’re doing.

If you just want to stick with a route you know is golden, you could just, you know, drive that route. Google Maps will update your travel time once it sees you aren’t following the path given. Trying to force it to stick with your usual route seems like a needlessly overcomplicated fix to a nonexistant problem.

Now, if someone could tackle the great untalked about problem of urinal splashback on suit pants, I’d be grateful.

This sounds gross but no. I’m the only woman at my office so I have my own bathroom. I shove mine down in the trash and have never noticed the bathroom being extra stinky.

Oh boy..clearly you’ve never been out of the country (assuming US). Went on a vacation to Mexico and that was eye opening. They do not flush anything other than what comes out of your body. The trash bins are filled with used toilet paper. Being on an all inclusive resort in the summer with unlimited booze, you can

Look in the baby/toddler section for flushable wipes.  They get the job done.

Just tear them into strips and flush half the strips, then flush the other half. No clogs.

you need to upgrade to a bidet. to put it this way...youve been watching movies on tube screen. get a bidet and itll be like watching it on a hi def 4k screen.

I get this reference...Mr. Hutz

No, Money Down!

I... I... this glorious vision... is... IS IT LOVE?

It’s truly infuriating, as someone who is a heavy GOogle Services user, to see how much their various pieces COULD fit together seamlessly, and how they refuse to put more than even a tiny bit of effort into making that a reality.

RIP Survivor coverage? No ep 3 review :(

Thank you so much for the tip canyda. “...using Twitter Mobile on desktop is a better Twitter experience anyway.” You are absolutely right.

Just use Pocket. Super easy and way more flexible.

Howard has altered the tone. Pray he does not alter it further.