Because the country that you are visiting wants to be sure that you will be able to leave by the time you have to leave. They don’t want you “stuck” there because your passport is expired.
Because the country that you are visiting wants to be sure that you will be able to leave by the time you have to leave. They don’t want you “stuck” there because your passport is expired.
Agreed completely. Joe was shouting at them for days upon days that they needed to get rid of Ben, and they ignored him. Producers weren’t telling them to do that.
Even with the final fire making twist, the producers didn’t force the jury to vote for Ben. If that twist was so manipulative and so stupid, then the jury should have voted en masse for Chrissy, but they didn’t.
How you make coffee is, you bring the dried and roasted and probably ground seeds of a Coffea plant together with…
Alternate activity: never use twitter.
I must be the only one who enjoys watching the Klingon scenes in Klingon. It really helps those moments come alive for me.
I know, I know. I’m a huge giant fucking nerd. But listening to people having real conversations in genuine Klingon is freaking amazing.
Thinking on it, I sorta agree. iOS 11 is the most underwhelming release yet. It isn’t really disappointing, but it definitely doesn’t feel special at all.
Bazinga: Origins
I think we could all have predicted that this would be terrible. But it’ll be worth sticking with it for the series finale, when it is revealed that the events of The Big Bang Theory are all taking place in Young Sheldon’s mind as he stares into a snowglobe.
Did you... did you change the image, just because of my comment. Oh this is what true power feels like.
Also now I’m gonna grab my DSLR and submit an iOS 11 in car pic to Getty.
Hot take: most of the things that “ruined” Twitter are good features.
[Generic fanboy sniping comment about Apple]
Are you flirting with me? ;)
The problem is, in all likelihood, it won’t even be a train wreck. A train wreck at least involves some contact and action. Floyd has never shown any interest in entertaining his fans and Conor won’t be able to make the fight exciting no matter how hard he tries. And as much as it’s fun to imagine that Conor will…
I’d also point out that you’re making your hot dogs all wrong. First you open the bun, add the condiments you want. Then you add the dog on top of the condiments. The dog keeps the mustard and relish in the bun and off your shirt.
Interesting idea, but even the biggest flat rate box doesn’t hold that much in comparison to packing lighter and/or taking a collapsible bag.
We used try to stick to carry-ons on the way there and check a bag on the way back. The checked bag is mostly due to me buying locally made booze and the wife buying jars of…
My wife and I have traveled multiple times - Italy, France, Spain, Korea, China, Japan - all carry-on only since our honeymoon. It’s the best way to travel. Once, we had to check a box on the flight home from all the shit we bought, but that’s it.
I just wear sunglasses.
Agreed. I haven’t EVER in 47 years lol and while it doesn’t come up in conversation I’ve never heard of any of my male friends using it either, it’s more of a pain in the ass to use it then to just pull down the fronts and go lol
Agreed. I haven’t EVER in 47 years lol and while it doesn’t come up in conversation I’ve never heard of any of my…
Would be great if they updated the ugly web version though.