
Also, is it just me but her “and for Pete I’m so thankful” line is shady to the extreme? I mean, you just broke off your engagement, you wrote a song about being over it, and you condescendingly “thank him” for, what, being her rebound from a much serious relationship?

I am particularly fond of Hallmark Hair, the perfectly-waved helmet every single one of their heroines has. I’ve been hooked since around 2010, and damn, they’re delightful and terrible. Netflix’s Christmas movies can’t compare, because they can’t make it schlocky and earnest at the same time, and commercial breaks

SÃO PAULO, ffs. São. San would be Spanish, a language that is not spoken in Brazil.

The peach scene is so wrong. I still don’t get why they deviated from the book: it was much more emotional than how it was depicted in the movie.

My favorite, too! I loved Sally so very much growing up. But I also read Are You There God countless times. SO THRILLED IT'LL BE A MOVIE! Also jealous of you that you got to meet her. 

I’m not even attracted to his body. I know, I know... but I definitely prefer a man with a swimmer’s build over excessive bulk. Chris Evans broke my heart when he got bulky for Captain America. He remains the best Chris because of his dog, Jenny Slate (I know they broke up), and his politics. His tweets are gold.

File under: movies nobody asked for, or needed.

Juan Pablo di Pace is the sole guy in the Call on Me softcore-porn-ish music video.

Oh honey my condolences thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Yeah, but he's David Tennant and he can do what regular mortal humans cannot. Also GOOD OMENS I CAN'T WAIT OMG I'M SO EXCITED. 

I say this whenever I read anything about her, but it's just the plain truth: best. name. EVER. 

Just like her father in life.

Oh god, I can't wait to be able to forget these people even exist. Won't happen any time soon because the damage they've done will last for at least a generation, but I just really want to consign them to fucking oblivion. And jail. Hopefully both. 

I adore Ever After, and I’m glad it’s finally getting the recognition it deserves.

Meghan, don't. Wanna bet that if she does make that one phone call, the Markles will immediately tell TMZ all about it? Screw the Markles. 


Get yourself some ADHD. I have the attention span of a gnat, so even thought I loved Mad Men and Joan and hated his character, I still get to look at him and all I think is “shiny”!

Me, I am invested in Richard/Sutton. They have chemistry and he’s hot. Won’t be heartbroken if he’s not there, but Sam Page is dishy.

True. But also my theory: the show’s writers have no clue where they’re going.

My reaction to most of this episode was “wait what?” Nothing made sense. Nothing. I used to really enjoy Supergirl, but this storyline sucks. I hope they course-correct next year, or it’ll fast go the way of The Flash and Arrow, both of which also had terrible seasons (The Flash has been going down for years now; I’m