Canucks Boy

You guys loved this man when he was fucking with Bush.

This. People keep talking about how the economy has gotten so much better under Obama. While that may be true if you have money in the stock market or already have a kick-ass job, that’s not the case for many other Americans, who’re working at some low-wage paying retail store while still in need of TNAF or SNAP

We pay significantly more since the affordable care act took over. My wife is pregnant with our first child. She’ll now have to pay $3000 before she gets any coverage. Before ObamaCare it would have been $1200. That’s as plain jane as it gets and if you don’t think people saw this and thought about this when they

Then what does? I’m not the writer that put it into an article with no evidence backing it up.

What about the millions of middle class people who just got their health care renewals over the last month and saw everything go up? My wife’s went up $100 a month and all her deductibles nearly doubled. Putting that burden on the middle class makes sense...

“Four years from now, the labor movement will either be resurgent with the energy and power of thousands of newly organized members; or it will be a depleted shell, left behind as people searching for answers look elsewhere.”

This is why I do not hold Obama in high regard as a president. He has been great as a “cool” president, and has shown great “Dad”-ness, but he does not have a lot of political courage. Appointing Republicans, nominating right-leaning Merrick Garland for Supreme Court, trying too hard to compromise - all that got us

I voted for hillary. Obama is in the wrong and he trying to have it both ways. Obama deserves way more critism for this than hillary because hes president. Hillarys response to this is bullshit. The company is in the wrong and she doesnt have the courage to stand with the protesters.

Sorry to say this has been Obama’s stance on all racially combustible issues.

I’m shocked that he’s basically done nothing to help. But not that shocked. *sigh*

This is the very definition of Fascism! Publicly-funded police and National Guard troops being used as private security for an oil company, attacking US citizens and a sovereign nation on the excuse of profit. Who cares who gets elected on Tuesday, this nation has already been lost!

Imagine this was white citizens trying to protect the water, and the state had hired goons to sick dogs on them. They’re trying to protect the river for more than just themselves, and the state is on the wrong side.