
We indulge in these once in a while. I make a solid gussied up chicken broth from rotisserie chicken bones a bunch of spices, veggies, umeboshi eggs, etc and just a sprinkle from those intensely salty death flavour packs. My concoction beats any restaurant ramen.

Exactly, these perfidious scum knew exactly what they were doing but of course they have their scapegoat and their knives come out so now they scrape as much dog shit off their shoe as possible and gaslight the industry into coming back into the fold. At this point only rubes need apply to use Unity, I hope they never


Typical twat and “hero” of the gaming industry, mangling one company at a time. Arguably if it werent for all the indi devs propping up the industry gaming wouldve imploded years ago circa 1983. Although highly unlikely Id welcome another collapse.

Get outta my head. Asteroid or mega volcano. Fingers crossed.

Well said. Pathetic isnt strong enough a descriptor for these spineless perfidious opportunistic hypocrites.

Had higher hopes for this one after enjoying the Terminator games. What a tedious piece of crap this is, an antiquated boring slog, painful loading screen for almost every door, abhorrent ‘AI’, sloppy shooting, decent graphics mixed with the mediocre, some really bad design decisions/mechanics overall, just...really

Friends dont let friends buy starbucks.

He’ll be receiving his “b*tch” card in prison very soon. Justice is indeed a wonderful thing.

Just another mob mentality a-hole kid.

Its worthless POS like this along with his lifetime loser squad of squids that make riders look bad. Hope he gets a full ride from the system.

Succinct comment. Evidently people are dazzled by mediocrity.

100%. Nothing kept me up far later than I should have been by wondering ‘lets just see what over this hill or behind this bush’(Skyrim), SF has none of this. Planets are nothing more than a vapid walled tile, a disappointing boring slog, bad writing, tropey lore, mediocre graphics, immersion breaking loading, etc etc a

Speak for yourself.

Well said. Its a mile wide and a 1/4 inch deep. Unsurprisingly Bethesda has managed to gaslight people into thinking otherwise. 

Unsurprisingly there are so many issues and lackluster work on display here, just to name few, crappy dated graphics, jpeg planets, (methy bug eyed humans, no alien races, attrocious AI and relentless copy paste assets) pointless utterly vapid time wasting side missions, no surface vehicles because that would of

This simply cements her govt position.

My first car in highschool was a 5 speed 1980 Rabbit. Mags, sunroof, euro-grill, that awesome golf ball shifter. Loved that little car.

Boy, I sure wont get ANY sleep tonight.

Waiting for the breaking news of Desantis getting busted coming out of a “bathhouse” with his pants zipper undone.