
Musk is not a genius by any sense of the word. Hes an arrogant self important narcissistic trust-fund baby with endless money to throw at ideas that the real brains then figure out how to bring to fruition and then with hand on his hips Musk takes all the praise/credit. As much as his legions of weird nerds would love

Evidently being a billionaire cant buy intelligence or the foresight to undertake due diligence when risking ones life in such an endeavour.

Fingers crossed but still, all she’ll need to do is cry and plead and you just know she’ll have a wry smile walking out of the courts.

Stay classy as always Uhmerika.

CEO: “No no its solid, see?” (kicks hull). Billionaires: “Ok, good enough for me! Lets go!”

Even if I had the money I wouldnt be caught dead stepping into a deathtrap such as this.

Cameron is as full of himself as ever, what a pompous knob.

Yeah well, then you stick with SC and your ship jpegs. Hey theres some kids on the lawn go get your hose, then yell at some clouds. 

With the release of Starfield, regardless of the classic bethesda bugs it will get ironed out and will be something very special.

Charities....the biggest grift going. 5 cents of my dollar goes to the cause the rest goes into “advertising and admin”, and of course a new BMW, an exotic rare wood desk, a Rolex and a nice big house all with a nice fat tax break. Animal shelters/care is another matter entirely, I dont need some knob deciding for

Neat-o! How long until they find a way to weaponize it?

Undoubtedly a blessing, on to greener pastures.

Good for him, I can see the game industry as being quite ignorant. Dont go to Florida.

This one never gets old.

Shame they wont do anything worthwhile with it. Was really looking forward to some SP dlc but of course theyre done with that even though they alluded to offering more.

Sweet sweet money baby! ...also our species is irreversibly and irrefutably F’d.

Money trumps all.

Cool art style? Check. Extraction shooter? Into the bin. Already forgotten about this one.

Lars really wanted that fleet of pristine ultra rare Porsches and personal jets, I guess he’ll just have to wait a wee bit. Poor guy, such a shame.
