Who cares? ‘Poor guy’ has more money than he could spend in multiple lifetimes. On a side note, companies dropped this loser faster than they did ruzzia.
Who cares? ‘Poor guy’ has more money than he could spend in multiple lifetimes. On a side note, companies dropped this loser faster than they did ruzzia.
Idiot: “Huh? Uh What? Weed’s illegal in ruzzia?”
Oh goodie, finally I can sleep and the world can resume turning.
Yeah, and? How about instead of seeking internet validation with some ‘woe is me’ boohoo sympathy post etc etc etc, you simply clear your bank accounts, pack your crap, leave and head to court. Pathetic.
Its a good series. Easy solution, dont watch it. Sick to death of the over sensitive “iM OFfeNdEd” era of people. Halloween is coming up, brace yourselves.
Whats with the lsd inspired toys? Just give me a grimace with 2 eyes.
Yet another insecure, attention starved, tone-deaf, clueless loser whos life revolves around social media.
Wheres that earth shattering asteroid when you need one? At least one that contains a virus that by some unexplainable miracle, immediately targets and wipes out imbeciles....similar to covid, but far far deadlier.
Fuck your entitled selves and your crappy kids. The only people who like these kids are their parents because all too often these parents have done such an absolute shit job at raising these brats theyre simply worn out and can no longer be bothered to police their kids...if your leech is acting up take your annoying…
Been doing this for decades at home and clean friends homes, after experiencing countless piss soaked floors in public washrooms and punk houses etc how could one not? I guess if you live like a pig then by all means, micro spray/splash and dribble piss on your floor.
Pay for no reason? The “idiots in your state” are trying to get idiots like yourself to bring a reusable. I know, I know, the immense cognitive strain compounded with the physical effort is just so far out of your reach and ability to bring reusable bags, not to mention its such a huge inconvenience (/s). They’ll…
Sealing baskets? Sounds like another case of bitchy tantrums akin to “yOu CaNT tElL mE whAt To dO!
Where’s Bugs Bunny when you need him?
HAHA!......HA!......HA! Keep on couch surfing loser.
...now Im not so sure. ;)
Mini-maps and revealing when and where one shoots?!? Lame as lame gets. I wouldnt touch a game that had this crap.
Lawsuit? Pffft.... lets step it up to a baseball bat.
Is there any way to get that 30 seconds of my life back? In fact Im ashamed to even be here. How you scraped gum off your shoe would have been a more entertaining subject
America? I kid I kid.