The real crime here is mauve crocs with socks.
The real crime here is mauve crocs with socks.
At this point they might as well throw this one in the toilet and begin duping the countless conviction-less rubes by way of promoting/hyping their next heap of shite.
Best thing Iver read today? “...stuck in traffic”. Poetic justice.
Didnt you know? It’s daiquiri Weds at the Root.
His pulsating brain will be wired up and preserved under a plexi-dome, his sure to be deep ominous voice will reply to those lucky few who seek answers to their deep existential questions about the current reality tv stars.
...because you arent fat enough as it is....
Who cares.
Is this the russian equivalent of ‘falling’ out of a window?
This jackass has spent his entire life fucking over everyone hes ever met and then forever tying up any and all lawsuits using his team of harpy lawyers who know every last way to circumvent actually going to trial.
Whats COD?
“I’m a somebody! I am the greatest! Buy my crappy game! Pay attention to me!”
Average Russian: “Its evil! Black magic!”
Just another self important pudgy posturing lifetime loser plopped behind a keyboard. A self proclaimed “rap star” grimaces while showing off his “gat”? Enough said. Bahahaha, what a fucking pathetic poseur. Tone down the arrogant swagger and pull up your pants sonny, you’re embarrassing yourself.
My divorce had it moments of hard emotions but for the most part it was smooth, in fact we still work at our business together, along with my fiance.
Prescribed? Oh in that case youre free to go.
Mom: He’s such a good boy, he’s just misunderstood.
These two will simply pour on the red faced snotty nosed blubbering and tears for the Judge and these two “pillars of the community” will get nothing more than a finger wagging warning from the sympathetic judge. White America 101.
These cops should be sent to “fight”, weaponless, alongside Russia where they’ll get blown to pieces in a myriad of fanciful ways.