
Over two years and counting. See you back here in 2018.

Well now you do know. The struggle is real.

Men can't bring stroller's onto buses? Who knew?

Um... That's fucked up. Grown women who act like teens are annoying, grown women who like to be carried around are probably soft in the head.

I've watched your video several times and I'm sorry, but no, I don't see a fetus on the right. Fetal heartbeats are usually visible in ultrasound videos, and if you manage to capture enough video to see a living fetus, you should also see the heart beating. I cannot tell you what it could be, because, again, I'm not a

If I may ask, during all your research, have you come across a test that you feel would definitively prove that this is/or is not a pregnancy? Do you have some sort of working goal in mind regarding closure?

Hi, Beth. I know this is a really upsetting experience for you. I know you're not thrilled with how this article portrays you and your situation. However, I hope that in reading through the comments here, besides the usual internet blowhards, you recognize that there are lots of people here who agree that you were

I don't live in NYC so I can't speak to that specifically, but I have worked with many women with a wide range of mental health issues and I can tell you that it is very rare that people are put on a psychiatric hold. In fact, I have had many clients who I wished would be, because I was really concerned for their

You make a good point. I really feel for this woman and it seems like she's having a really hard time and needs more people in her corner. That being said, I've worked with several people who had delusions and the way that they interpreted our interactions were SO vastly different from mine, and if I set a boundary

So if you are having a psychotic break, doctors should ignore your history of harm to self because you are "over it"?

Well, they considered her to be a danger to herself - didn't she have self-harm scarring?

Hmm. The part where Ruby says she doesn't believe that false pregnancy is a thing that really happens was one of the hugest "red flag" moments of this story, at least for me. Like... no wonder she refuses to accept the diagnosis, if she doesn't even believe that it's real. That said, it absolutely makes no sense to

Not really, this isn't typical behavior for a person with Asperger's. They might get obsessed with the idea of pregnancy and read up a ton of stuff on it and focus on pregnant women etc., but distorting reality is a sign of mental illness, not Asperger's.

I would have to image that her numerous trips to the emergency room would indicate she has no insurance or access to regular care. An ER is the one place they will take you without proof of insurance. Or, it's possible someone else is paying for her care. Even though she claims she's not in regular contact with her

I was wondering about that too. Her diagnosis they gave her didn't seem completely the best.

I have to ask, since this is the US: who is paying for all this? She's homeless (or she was). That's a lot of doctors and a long stay in a hospital. I can't imagine an insurance company approving all those tests.

While tangentially related, delusional disorder is not the same thing as schizophrenia. The saddest part is that antipsychotics don't work very well in these patients.

Asperger's Syndrome doesn't cause delusions, isn't really a mental illness, and would have nothing to do with her having pregnancy symptoms.

Convincing yourself that all of the evidence against you is wrong is a pretty big indicator for schizophrenia.

To be fair, she did say that it worked for people looking to lose 20 lbs or whatnot. And I have several friends who can attest to that.