
holy shit, that sucks. i have knee arthritis - as does my similarly-aged, normal weight sister. somehow, my arthritis gets blamed on my weight, whereas hers is seen as a side effect of her job

thank you. apologies for my shitty grammar. my head is elsewhere

just because the bracelets didn't cause the initial problem doesn't mean that they are not responsible for perpetuating it.

my perspective didn't change, though

it is objectifying by nature. staring at body parts breaks a person up into a series of objects as opposed to a whole human being. also, most people experience their sense of self through the senses in their face, so if people are not looking at women's faces they are not acknowledging their personhood to the same

you are actually suggesting that it could be better for women to be objectified than to be treated as equal humans?

your debate opponents got more recommendations than you did.

yeah. her thigh is too long, as well

he didn't think it. he said it.

yeah, true. i felt like it uncovered how much this judginess is similar to any other form of bigotry. it's shameful

life expectancy is still increasing, so you are factually incorrect.

yes. the thinnest people are correlated with the most health problems. overweight and slightly obese people are correlated with the least health problems. men prefer women who are about 20lb heavier than what the women believe from the media as well.

i am fat, and i don't feel ugly at all. i look awesome :)

the health problems of the country are due to eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, not obesity. so their concerns are not well-founded

i have been both thin and fat, and i am not a different person in each body

i read a study where people rated the attractiveness of certain example people. they were alternately told the person was fat, thin, or thin-but-used-to-be-fat. the used-to-be-fat category was considered unattractive by people who prefer thin physiques, even though it was the same examples used in all instances

i am pretty sure people are aware of breast cancer already. there is already awareness, so that is not a useful goal.

it kind of all looks similar to me, in that it is a matter of degree and not kind. bare shoulders, wide floor-length skirts.

i don't see a distinction there

she isn't fully dressed