mmmmhmmmmm. but it's a spectrum... this:
mmmmhmmmmm. but it's a spectrum... this:
i remember when they changed the recipe. i stopped eating them as they lost a great deal of the "mouth appeal"
thank you for mentioning this concept.... the ensuing conversation really opened my eyes. i was sexually assaulted and the man drove me home afterward. i had trouble seeing his actions as wrong if he didn't act like a baddie afterward. i had no idea that this was a thing
you are criticising someone's speech in your effort to uphold someone else's right to speak. you might want to reflect on that. the people you are arguing with have no power to censor, only to criticise... which is exactly what you are doing. they have the right to speak up
thanks for adding this point, i came down to say it
i had a dog that really really loved mandarin oranges... she would even take them to private spots (i.e. under a coffee table) to munch on them in private, and she'd salivate like crazy. she didn't react like that to any other food
replied to wrong post, sorry
well, yes- you do have many great points. but they also shelter them by not speaking out or forcing those people out of the organisation.
it's your cultural norm, not everyone's. we don't live in a single monolithic culture.
not everyone experiences love through gift giving or receiving
i have asked people not to bring gifts (or money) to my wedding
if the rest of the group is not condemning the few for their sins, then the whole lot of them should be condemned. the ones who shelter the assholes are just as guilty of the sin
that's a good one! i was confining my response to american cities. another one: Vancouver
it's more than the grittiness, it's also the pull of opportunity. New York is where hopeful people went to make it big, and more often than not they saw the underbelly. people were drawn like moths to the light.
yes, i eat it fried all the time - it is a food group unto itself.
he's Canadian. 'nuff said.
that's a good take on this
this pales in comparison to the homophobia, but it also annoys me:
your body is not necessarily the same as other people's bodies. some people are distracted by a full or irritated bladder, so they can't exclusively focus on the sex anymore (or risk peeing the bed).