
You mean their system. I’m Canadian too, and yes we complain about first-past-the-post a ton... because it’s completely stupid, and our own dear leader made getting rid of it a major campaign promise. It would be wise for him to follow through on that, lest millenials get apathetic again and the older folks vote in

Those damn third party voters were a major problem this time around as well. It looks like Mrs.Clinton would have snagged several of those swing states, had the 2-3% who voted Stein or Johnson thought the decision through just a wee bit. I hear a lot of Canadians talking about strategic voting for just this reason.

Hopefully you learned your lesson, and now encourage everyone you know to get out and vote. Use the fact that Trump and Bush were massive embarrassments, to convince people if you have to.

You are right that it isn’t that simple. I was still just a kid when Bush jr. was elected the first time around - so I was not so aware of voter suppression, and redrawing voting districts to maximize votes for a specific candidate, and all that. To me, a young Canadian, it looked like the smart Americans simply

Im sorry to say, your country’s reputation went down the toilet when you guys managed to elect Bush jr. twice. I believe he, like Trump, didn’t have the majority of votes... it was down to that electoral college again... but it sure didn’t make America look smart.

I thought it meant failure in a broad sense, like it’s okay to fail to make friends with the most popular kids in school (as every teen flick tells us is imperative), or it’s ok to fail your first driver’s test (so long as no one is harmed of course), or it’s ok for your first relationship to ‘fail’ when you go off to

Sounds like we have the same shape... I too had the boys (and girls) commenting on my round backside. I dealt by trying to hide in bulky sweaters, which kept me warm but did nothing to stop the teasing or harassment. It was not a fun time.

That’s good that you let your kiddo rant and ask how best to react. I know I couldn’t do that with my mum. I already got a lot of my insecurities from listening to her own negative self talk, and constant praise of other people’s children.

Were you perhaps from a middle class family? I'm from a working class background, white, and I definitely had those ongoing talks - from parents and school teachers. It was such a normal seeming thing in my childhood that I had assumed for the longest time that everyone gets taught those lessons.

I never heard about the “wacky weed”. I’d heard she had made noise complaints, which assuming it’s a wood frame building seems reasonable. But all that tells us is that Botham maybe walked around his apartment sometimes, as people do. It certainly doesn't justify murder.

After so many years, I don’t think I could locate him for any kind of retribution. I have some identifying info, and the memory of what he looked like, how he smelled, and what he did and said. It’s really nothing to go on, if you don’t have the investigative resources of a police department - which is why I reported

Thanks for sharing your experience. I never consulted a lawyer, but I was studying criminology at the time, so I was well-versed in what rights I had and what rights I did not have, and all those statistics about stranger/known assailants, and conviction rates, and how common it was to not report or recant when

Yes, he would if he were a) innocent and b) had any shred of ethics or ability to see women as people. Same goes for all those men trying to push this through without any investigations. They really see no problem with a rapist judge, making decisions that hurt women. It’s the same reason so many Republicans are perfec

You could use a thumbs up... unless white nationalists have stolen that too.

The only problem with vigilante justice, is that the law would not be on our side even in the slightest. I briefly considered tracking down my own attacker after a sexual assault, when it appeared the police was not going to do it even with an alarming amount of identifying information that I was able to provide. Then

More like 47% voted for Trump. 49% voted for the qualified lady, who didn’t need to pay a doctor to claim she was a healthy “stable genius”.

They sure are orange... unless Michael is talking about some whole wheat cracker that is slightly less orange? I'm more familiar with fish crackers (on account of my kid) and those are most definitely orange in their original form, and darker brown in the pretzel and whole wheat varieties.

The lead researcher is a professor of sociology - unless the title of professor is totally meaningless in America, he knows he need to repeat the study, and compare different variables (like the race of student and the race of admissions persons) to make the argument stronger that something is going on here.

It won't hurt Kavanaugh. I heard he wrote some article suggesting it is unconstitutional to criticize or investigate a sitting president... so Trump wants him in for that alone. And considering your country's treatment of women who dare to come forward about sexual assault/harassment, it's unlikely a gaggle of white

It was a sociological study, so they had to start somewhere. Maybe next they will repeat the study with slightly different variables, to see if the race of the admissions counselors changes the response rates at all, or if students with a black sounding name get vastly different response rates and positive versus