
Do they not require pellet guns to have a bright orange tip? I know in Canada, a kid painted over or removed the orange bit and got shot by police after he pointed it at them. It's like I'm reading the same story here. Without that distinguishing feature, I definitely could not tell the difference between a pellet and

We don't know if they've had issues with the same kid before, and knew he was faking in order to disrupt the class - some kids really ARE that obnoxious, you know?

I’m sorry if my previous post sounded a little glib. I only know from my own experience, as a Canadian who attended a poorly funded high school - when I wrecked my knee in PE I was advised by the part-time school nurse to go home and put some ice on it (which meant walking home on the injured knee) - so I assumed it

Hello fellow Canadian! I too try my best to abide by the unwritten social contract, to maintain respectful distance from strangers in public. It would just feel wrong to get close enough to someone that I could possibly read the numbers on their credit card, as they complete a transaction. And of course I hate it when

Would that school have a full time school nurse on site? I assume poor funding would not allow anyone trained to do anything more than recommend a bandaid for a cut, to work at a school. Plus, your medical system appears to be set up to keep vulnerable folks as far away from medical care as possible - some Americans

Well, no it’s not usually linked to critical thinking skills, as those are generally lacking in most people - that’s how you end up with Trump as president.

There are lots of scholarly articles on that very subject. I read a few abstracts, and it looks like yes, there is a strong correlation between higher education and lower rates of violence by police. At least one article I found was specifically looking at American police. So it seems you are on to something.

We can acknowledge the police are to blame for their own actions while also thinking defying an order to sit was a stupid thing to do. They aren’t mutually exclusive thoughts. It seems like lunacy when Americans defy police orders, after reading article after article where that was done and it didn’t end well - and

What a perfectly timed article! My expanding belly has been bothering me, especially since I gave away all my old maternity clothes about a month before learning I would need them again. The elastic band trick has been very useful in the interim, until I can get to a mall to get anything at all that can accommodate my

Another bra related tip; nursing bras can be very expensive and wildly uncomfortable. Sports bras on the other hand... are supportive, and stretchy enough for nursing, and usually not too pricey - even if you have to replace them. So if your wife chooses to nurse, and finds nursing bras don’t work for her, there are

I understand the urge to run, it’s the fight-or-flight response at play. But ignoring a request by officers, who are known to kill people for less, when they tell you to sit - seems like a really dumb move. Is that just respectability politics, to suggest he should have done like his friend and sat down?

I realize this stinks of victim-blaming, but in a country that so loves its guns & violence - why did he choose to continue standing, after being asked to sit? His friend appears to have complied and escaped a potential beating. Is it a macho man thing?

Yet here you are spreading the nonsense that corporal punishment is an effective parenting technique. You were abused, so to you that is perfectly normal. The fact is, it is not normal nor is it effective on children who would otherwise be acting out. It teaches those kids who were not acting out to fear authority and

That’s interesting that you found it got worse, the further west you traveled. I found it got worse for me, the further east I traveled.

Sure he likely would have been treated better, had he not been a sex offender. He is white after all. But why does that even matter? There WAS evidence that someone urinated on that child - and that sex offender was known to do odd jobs in the area. It wasn’t a huge stretch for the police to do their job and bring him

Forcing them to apologize to the sex offender who at most was slightly inconvenienced, will be causing them to suffer unduly - for a fib. The girl is five, she literally wanted to protect the older child who peed on her. She did not know any better than to do this, likely because she knows her parents would not react

He’s a convicted sex offender. They should not be forced to speak to him directly. They should apologize for lying, and wasting police time & resources on a crime that was committed by another child (possibly the girl's brother - which is bad enough). But considering their ages, they should not be made to suffer over

Were you by any chance, residing in Alberta? That’s our most Americanized province. The rest of Canada is significantly less awful and overtly racist (at least, it is for anyone who isn't first nations).

The simple answer to that is capitalism. It’s designed to keep people poor, to keep wages low and allow prices of goodsgoods to rise to the extremes - because that’s the “free” market, after all. It’s the same way in Canada. My parents could pay for their books and tuition, with a part-time minimum wage job, and still

I agree wholeheartedly with your point #1. So many aspects of retail can be interpreted incorrectly by customers. In my experience, some customers come into the store ready for a fight - perhaps in the hope that it will get them a discount. I get it, I want to stretch every penny too, but getting huffy with the poorly