Quo Vadimus

It’s a very exciting new era where some athletes have exited “the bubble” and are trying to make an impact on the larger, outside world. They are facing criticism form having genuine thoughts and ideas that transcend sports. I hope this trend continues. They are trying to be role models, which is of greater value than

Not everyone sees 911 as a place to call when something bad happens.

Anyone can get Pokémon Go so you might want to look into that

But peeing on another rider? Bonus points.

Good golly miss Molly. Democrats, leftists, et al really are going to do everything in their power to try and lose this gimme of an election, aren’t they?

I love Justice Ginsburg but . . . the critics are right. She shouldn’t make political comments. There are good reasons for keeping judges out of politics, Ginsburg is aware of that. And its not like there was any ambiguity on where she stood on Trump before she said these things.

Or, lying under oath (Bill) and extreme carelessness with Top Secret documents. (Hill)

It’s the worst. Everything is just so terrible this election season. It’s true that those memes are not factual, and it was the right decision not to take legal action against Clinton, but she still acted very stupidly AND she lied, over and over again. Those two things are inarguable.

YOu mean because he’s an established movie star and she’s still a stand-up comic. Yeah, they’re equal.

Did you even read the article? Like even one sentence?

I don’t think women get paid less than men in general. There may be instances of this, on a micro-level, but I think on the whole HR departments (who are mostly women) based income and benefits on work history, and education.

If Jill Stein has a stronger showing then normal it shows the establishment that it is losing control, and it also shows voters that they have more then two choices, but because Jill Stein has “no chance to win” she will forever have no chance, and the pubs and dems will remain in power forever. There is no such thing

Vote for the lesser of two evils, condone the lesser of two evils.

I won’t vote for someone who doesn’t represent me. That means no vote for Trump, and no vote for Clinton.

I feel like people like Justin HAVE to say she’s a delight to toe some sort of imaginary PC line.

Truth is, she is a horrible comedian. She’s Asian and female, though, so everyone needs to be obligated to like her.

She’s the worst.
