Quo Vadimus

There must be a wealth of things you don’t understand if you don’t understand this and that’s okay. No one can understand everything. Don’t lose sleep over it. We won’t be talking about Bernie any more unless he’s named as the VP running mate.

The target audience is women. The women that watch a show like this aren’t in happy relationships to it appeals to their escapism and the don’t want to dream or ponder the lives of a relationship with a POC.

ain’t no body got time for that

It wasn’t even a good gore. Not that gorey.

Internet could do that, but being a very literal platform for communication, the word racist can only be taken literally and him being tagged with the notion that the white race is superior to the other races would be a difficult thing to prove or convince people of at this point in time.

I think it’s because they hate obama. They hated him for the crap he’s pulled for the past 6-7 years.

It was hillary hysterically screaming at some crowd actually.

It’s so scary for a black man, he noped the fuck out.

don’t blame straight people.

IDK, maybe you’ll get your wish some day and whites make it a goal to exterminate blacks. Then I bet you’ll momentarily feel all righteous and your told you so’s will fall on the dead ears.


IDK whatifi needz gunz for hizzie?

Hey, don’t pull the rest of us in to your hate tornado!

Okay, haven’t heard the word muggy in a year, so kudos for that.

So true. My parents live in the Atlanta suburbs, big house, one huge air condition per floor.

Stop hating!

Holy shit! You’re gonna cause an indoor tornado!!!!

You better hope your drain never gets plugged.

I live in Atlanta and didn’t realize how dry it actually is here compared to Indianapolis, NYC, DC. Indianapolis blew me away with how humid it got there. And how hot it gets. And how cold it gets. Basically, people in Indy are incredibly tolerant of the temperature and humidity extremes.