Quo Vadimus

Tell all nonsense? I’m pretty sure the truth. particularly about what he valued at the end of his life and the terrible choices that lead to his death aren’t nonsense.

It’s not believe we have trouble with, it’s the outsized outrage about things that don’t rise to the level of much or any effort. That’s why you hear “just ignore it” or “just let it go”. Just because you’re excited about it doesn’t mean anyone else is, man or woman.

Bull shit on women getting assaulted more than men do. Not even close. What you call assault happens a hundred or hundreds of times to a man before he turns 20. You don’t hear about it because we don’t make an issue out of it.

It’s not a societal issue because not everyone makes it their business to take offense to incidents that don’t merit a response of shock and outrage.

Please explain how unconscious people perpetuate a system or do much of anything other than lay there breathing.

Why do you assume it’s men? You admit you don’t know the identity of the people tweeting, that includes gender.

It looks like people should have gone on the other side of that fence. It looks pretty squished on the other side.

I love basketball.

You are very kind, because Collinsworth is just awful. I literally would welcome the technology to have his voice come out of the left speaker and the other guys the right and I could just turn him off.

He needs to step up his shoe game.

Millennium Falcon of bags.

I’m sure it’ll be a snap.

I thought that we only had to do that for helium filled balloons. Now we have to do that for bags?!!!

I don’t feel responsibility. You do? I wasn’t even there and never knew those girls.

They did try. They went and looked at the situation and then noped out of there or as you would say, noped the fuck out, because adding fuck to a sentence makes you edgy.

Why do they have to unroll the window?

By similar do you mean African American Racists? Because that’s were some people usually hear that term being used.

Who are you to say what’s wrong? They didn’t just make a mistake, they made a mistake and that was deadly. Maybe they thought the car was amphibious. Maybe they were trying LSD for the first time. We don’t know yet. Some mistakes are deadly; like driving under the influence or not wearing their seat belts or not

He must have been incredible for Iverson and Hardaway to notice him and mimic one of his moves. 6'2" is so, small for anyone that hasn’t actually played basketball. I’m an inch and change taller than Pearl was and in school, in public places, people comment on how tall I am. I play some basketball and instantly I’m

Why’d they fire you?