Quo Vadimus

What if he had a brother named Steve? Hmmm What then?

Not the downs kids

That’s stems from it being her body and her choice.

So you think abortions should be free?

What America did was holocaust them times three. Hitler mimicked the USA and wasn’t even close to the body count. Yes America, you might not want to think about it, but you wiped out three times more people than Hitler did. Who’s worse? The killer of 6 million jews or the killer of 19 million native people?

The war bonnet comment is so inappropriate. People love those things.

They want it dismissed. See Redskins logo controversy. Silence ensures she doesn’t put her foot in her mouth.

Yup, we saw that all over the place at the oscars recently.

You’re impeding her agency!

In that Star Trek movie when Kirk is going to have sexy time with that green woman:

Remember when Paul O’Neil hit those two home runs for that kid in hospital?

Fire drills. I’ve seen fire men. Fire hoses. Fire flies. Never saw a fire drill. Sounds awesome and please lord, let there be an after burner. How ‘bout you meme me?

People shouldn’t be doing it at the front desk.

Now that’s love.

Here, I have some extra, enjoy. :::::::

I love the drive through. Sure it screws the planet idling there, but the least amount of interaction with the general public, the better. There’s norovirus on the door handle! And poop! There’s poop everywhere because people can’t use a condom correctly, so you think they can use soap correctly? I don’t think so.

Way to rail against him!

If you stare at someone, there’s a good chance it will be viewed as leering or ogling in the corporate world. *

And thus, America died a little bit more that day. Your employer has gained some distance between any liability if the sore knee person or their family sues because of a hostile workplace environment and can cite this instance that they went above and beyond reasonable expectations.
