Quo Vadimus

I guess. Does it even matter? Why do you care anyway? No matter what color someone is, how about not stealing to begin with.

Well, you must go to school with some pretty poor rich kids because as a rich college kid, I don’t give a shit about money, so I’ve never stolen anything ever and have no desire to. Not for the thrill of getting away from something. Not for any reason would me, and my rich friends ever even think to do that.

I’ll guess that you didn’t read the article because it says nothing of the sort. It actually says POC are caught and adjudicated the most for this offense.

Yes we do because if people knew there weren’t going to be any consequences for not paying, no way are they going to pay.

Seems like it’d be best not to turnstyle jump.

As soon as I have on all my lacrosse gear, particularly my helmet, I feel invincible.

Unrelated: I’d just like to thank Deadspin at this time for the robot check when I use a burner account. I mean seriously, how else would we know?

It has to be, right? Once I throw my gun in the washer, I go do something else. It’s not like I’m gonna hang out by the washing machine for the hell of it. So yeah, these guys are just shooting themselves.