Williams was a god damn national treasure and I’d Thanos-snap every god damn one of you “he was annoying” shitheads and your first borns too just for one more movie with him
Williams was a god damn national treasure and I’d Thanos-snap every god damn one of you “he was annoying” shitheads and your first borns too just for one more movie with him
I haven’t finished reading the mailbag but I had to comment on James T.’s letter... Is he himself a self hating black man? Or claiming to be a black man?! Or am I reading this shit completely wrong?! I don’t understand what’s happening right now. It’s Friday and my mind is just toast, someone please help me.
The reason they’re going after the VA is simple - there’s too many donors that want to privatize part or all of it so they can get in that sweet sweet money.
More like the men who write these movies are obsessed with beautiful young girls who die so they don’t have to imagine them getting older and losing their
“appeal”, among other reasons.
And if there’s one thing Twitter users have shown they’re good at, it’s judging the factuality of posts!
So what’s up with this thing where people group-perform fake horror or disgust over normal things they’ve seen a million times before
Okay, I appreciate the thought you’ve put into it, but: you want a CGI ghost of a prequel character to play a major role in the next movie in the series
“You know what this story told from a woman’s perspective needs? A man’s perspective.” - a bunch of dudes
We didn’t destroy his career. His own actions destroyed his career. We’re saying that there are standards to which our elected officials should be held, and Franken has fallen short of those standards of his own volition.
“Love conquers all” is a meaningless sentiment because love is an amorphous concept. Bible thumpers who disown their kids say they’re doing it out of love. Suicide bombers believe their god is love. Bono thinks capitalism will save the world. He’s an out of touch rich dumbass who’s still in a “do they know it’s…
You’re right. We should all be as rigid and humorless as you.
Yeah, that’s what the people we find exhausting would say. I actually put money on “intellectual laziness” so now I have money for dinner, thanks.
“Not enough people talk about...”
Well, shit. I guess everyone who kept on being annoyed about those rumors being presented as facts are going to eat their words now.
God that letter is so disorganized and full of speculation . And I so tire of the rhetorical argument that because person A has a connection to person B, person A must therefore be corrupt or otherwise in league with person B. It’s all a distraction to larger details far harder to refute. The fingerprints on the…
“LGBT persons calling him out of this are being a bit disingenuous. ”
This is assuming that there is something inherently not progressive about open sexuality and smut, or that they are counter-intuitive to progressive movements, which isn’t true.
I love how Hollywood’s go-to move when they discover a powerful man who worked in Hollywood for decades is a serial sexual harasser/rapist is to be totally shocked at this completely isolated incident perpetrated by one bad apple. They had no idea! How could they? They’ve never heard of this sort of thing happening?…