Nintendo should take a page from Call of Duty.
Nintendo should take a page from Call of Duty.
As a note in case this has not been reported here, apparently the US release will also not be containing the Japanese audio like was included in Awakening. This combined with the censorship issues and the cost of buying into this game in the first place had me cancel my collector’s edition order.
That’s the thing though, I’ve grown up now, I see what they’re doing now, and I’m not happy that they’re still treating me and my fellow gamers like children. Most of the industry has grown up along with their player base. Nintendo stubbornly still wants to play the parent, even to fans nearing their 40s, and that to…
Regardless of how you feel about the content in question, all censorship is bad because the very act of censoring something implies a disavowance of freedom of speech. Those who censor do not do so because they think some piece of content is inherently “bad”, but rather, they wish to silence the creator(s),…
So back in the NES days when Nintendo censored out all the biblical references and blood and anything that might resemble a copyrighted product... that wasn’t censorship? When Mortal Kombat came to SNES without blood and some fatalities changed, that wasn’t censorship? Despite the fact that you know... it was…
Like I mentioned, they sometimes translate jokes or sayings that do not make sense to other cultures to something more locally understandable...
This game including head patting was their ORIGINAL version and that is what counts to me. And yes. Nintendo can do what they want. And I can say that because of it they are true idiots and a very scared publisher.
“the potential for controversy”. This is the real problem. America: the country where murdering 1000 characters in a gruesome manner is fun for all ages, but if you invite a person into your room and they whisper in your ear, it’s taboo.
Localization is you know.. translation work. Switching from a language you can’t read to a language you can. Sometimes making jokes that are from a difficult culture make sense in yours.
Removing content is censorship... it was all the way back in the NES days, it is now. Its stupid in this day and age too.
Doesn’t matter I don’t buy games they cut into pieces. I really hope this tanks hard so Nintendo never tries cutting up a fire emblem again but most likely people will eat it up.
In any other media, film, literature, ect, changing content to avoid offending a certain cultures sensibilities would be considered unacceptable. Providing a precedent that it’s totally cool to remove things from the original product will only hamper games as an art form.
I have to admit I was a bit too broad in my comment. But I still stand to “potential for controversy”. If we take the whole Bayonetta thing as an example.
In any other media, film, literature, ect, changing content to avoid offending a certain cultures sensibilities would be considered unacceptable. Providing a precedent that it’s totally cool to remove things from the original product will only hamper games as an art form.
dont care. Im going to pirate it and someday there will be an english translation for the japanese versions. I wont have Nintendo policing for me.
By using other words its just sugar coating it. Some people are realists and don’t like to fancy up bullshit.
No matter what it is self censorship. And not localisation. Changing peas in carrots because carrots are more loved by children would be localisation.
While i dont care about fire emblem...or nintendo i wont be long before this censorship bleeds into something i do care about. The whole practice is messedd up. Why not just include it as optional rather than doing away with the whole thing? Whenever someone decides what is appropriate for my peraonal…
Its censorship plain and simple.