
Well that blows (assuming it does end up axing DLC). Online modes are fun, to be sure, but to me, they don’t replace what a single player experience brings to the table, especially with a game like GTA.

I’ve played with it, but it sure as fuck wasn’t worth never getting a content expansion to the single-player content.

I hate the comment made about beanies; “can’t tell if she’s hot or cold.” Since when has fashion been more about function than form? I wear a beanie with t-shirts many times in the summer, I just like how it looks.

There is no need to defend anything. Nothing is being under attack.

As a guy who loves video games and fashion: what an awesome idea for a post. I may not agree with their conclusions but it’s really interesting to see people outside of the bubble of games look in and give their perspectives. Definitely would read more of these if they get made.

So, you don’t feel ashamed of your words and deeds?

Tsk, tsk, tsk! You should feel ashamed of your words and deeds!

Hmmm, David Bowie has nicer boobs than I might have guessed.

There’s so much pretentiousness in this article. It’s like they’re saying random shit just to sound intelligent or be edgy. I took an Art History class once and the professor pointed out some of the crap that art critics spout, it was a great lecture.

“look like”? Meaning another case judging a book by it’s cover. Congrats.

Why are you assuming the primary reason is related to masturbation? Anyway, I don’t think anyone is going to be able to help you understand something as subjective as liking a game/series if the elements of it don’t appeal to you. Everyone likes different things and it’s as simple as that. Some people like the humor

“I don’t understand the appeal of this therefore it is bad”

For fun.

Sadly, no matter what GPU you use, you can’t get around this terrible visual downgrade; from this...

X-2 only had female playable characters, XII practically had a female main character, XIII trilogy had a female main character (the third game even only had a female playable character again)

Starting to? It is and has been since it was known as FFversus ... and which I still believe it should be called and not be given a title.

seriously? GEt the F out....