
Vedder was likely the first to know... because of the Quickening.

Is there a word for feeling both alarm and schadenfreude? Because that is a combination I have never encountered before.

CNN is kind of fun right now. Everyone’s so stunned and flabbergasted by everything they can barely speak. Except for Jeffrey Toobin who’s in full rant mode and keeps on screaming “this isn’t normal!”

Jeff Sessions hates sniggers.

I really wish one of these mewling quisling motherfuckers would just up and say “Who the hell ever told you this was acceptable behavior? The all-time fuck is wrong with you?” It’s never going to happen, though.

If these 100 days interviews don’t prove dementia I don’t know what does. There’s this one with his incoherent rambling, and the other where he talks about “archaic rules” in Congress making “bad deals”.

Makes me wish I was the next president just so that I could eminent domain the shit out of every Trump property in the U.S. If that was all I accomplished, the spite would be worth it.

What the fuck are you doing with your life if you are a “premium member” to a Bill O’Reilly website? He was on nightly, for fuck’s sake. What could he holding back for his premium members.

Each one of these is brilliant, but I laughed so hard at “Letters from Phil Colins to Genesis”

I already know that I am going to hell.

Fair enough, but some of us didn’t even know he had one of these things. This makes me want to gas up my shitty old car and head west with a sack full of rubber dog turds and a can of industrial adhesive.

I thought this one was ridiculously appropriate

Pretty much, or at least she’s desperately trying to make people believe that “trans-racial” as a real thing. At one point in the Stranger’s article she calls her biological parents “the white parents.”

We’ve got Alex Jones on the ropes claiming that he is actually a fraud in court. Now Papa Bear has been kicked to the curb. Can we get a hat trick and have Breitbart go down in flames? I want Bannon out and have Breitbart turn on Trump. Then have Trump try to burn Breitbart like Chicago in 1871.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of racist drunkles’ voices wheezed out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

“...and I am not a racist,” he told Politico. “I am not a racist.”

Good. Glad I’m not the only one… For a sec there I thought I was going to have to cut back on the booze.

I read it as a young woman and have been haunted by it ever since. I don’t know if I could bear to re-read it, at least not until we’ve successfully survived Cheetohlini’s attempted wholesale destruction of our country.

The brown and the white sections are too close together, Trump prefers to keep them separate.