Hachiko (FKA Sweet Berry Wine)

I don't blame homeschooling. I blame the Fundies who are all too ubiquitous within the homeschooling community. There's a small percentage of homeschoolers who are not religious nutjobs and who actually teach their children real live science and history. And then there's the rest of them who think the earth is 6,000

…and THAT is why I don't trust the "homeschooling community".

How does it feel knowing you took the easy route in life instead of getting an education and doing something worth while?

Since you asked, here's a pic of her almost 10 years ago - June 2005...

Do you think that blatant sexuality is good for a society and culture?

I'm a mental health professional. I make diagnoses from the DSM-IV-TR and soon the DSM-5 regularly. I have a pretty good understanding of what a diagnosis is.

"Smeared" in that women won't sleep with them or consider them for relationships, and that is worse than the Holocaust apparently.

Well, for starters, they could notify students that sexual assaults are taking place. They could encourage rather than discourage reporting it to officials when it happens. And yes, they could expel them. IMO, these rapes that actually happened trump hypothetical future ones.

Clearly the people contributing to these lists feel/know that this is the only way to get attention to their assaults. People who want justice don't go immediately to scribbling lists on a wall. Suggestions that these women "just go get a rape kit as proof to bring to the police" are inane and show an astounding

OMG I can't believe it is SO easy! How has no one else in the world EVER thought of that?!

Are you kidding me? You don't have to be an expert to notice she is too thin. That's like saying you need to be an expert on the civil rights movement to diagnose racism or an expert in anything really in order to talk about something you can see with two eyes in your head.

I forget that Jezebel even has ads until people post stuff about them. I don't know how you manage without using Google Chrome and Adblock Plus, or something similar.

Mystery solved - Jay-Z asked about her mother.

It's like celebrities are all children and we go back and forth between being proud of their accomplishments and arguing about how to raise them.

Yeah, but then how could everyone at Jez wank about how similar they are to Beyonce—oh sorry, 'Queen Bey'—and project all types of irrelevant feels on to her life?

'Kick the shit out of her', seriously? Sorry you're disappointed Jay Z didn't carry out your woman beating fantasies.

I'm guessing that it wasn't meant to be taken literally.

How many articles are there going to be about this?

eta: sorry about the size on that mofo.

Word. Get it, security person.