
I agree that anyone who only just suddenly decided to turn on Kanye is pretty fucking suspect. I was never a fan of dude except as a silent producer in the Roc days (it’s all been downhill since the Get By remix), but I unequivocally stopped checking for his shit by 2006, and definitively decided to not fuck with him

Darren Aronofsky and Brendan Fraser (in a fat suit) paint fatness as a prescription for misery in their new drama

Based on this obviously thoughtless review?

Having seen and read the play, I’m not sure why everyone is treating this movie like its supposed to be depicting *all* fat people. Its a character study one *one* man. One man who has multiple facets to his identity, and one of those facets is that he is obese. That’s it. This isn’t supposed to be the definitive Fat

Is there anything you people don’t complain about? You are the reason nothing can get done.

I’m obese so I’m allowed to state these facts.  It’s punching sideways.  Don’t assume my sexuality. 

Welp, you can congratulate yourself on having an even worse take than the writer, so you at least have one thing going for you.

Which 600 lbs actor did you have in mind to play this role?

And the complaint about the fat suit...yeah, the filmmakers should’ve just found someone who’s actually 600 pounds but has the stamina, mobility, and overall wellbeing to star in a feature film, and also has acting ability akin to Brendan Fraser. What could go wrong.

Did no one think, “Maybe a movie about a fat guy made by non-fat people needs to do a little bit more than describe fatness as prescription for misery?

Some of the worst evils are those done in the name of Christ. These are people who, if Christ came back today, would absolutely crucify him as a warning to others for daring to question the establishment.

Kanye is the kind of person who is narcissistic enough that he believes himself the exception to Nazis anti-black prejudice. 

Sorry, my comment vanished in mid sentence.
These groups don’t care about the people of Flint, I know, I lived there most of my life and finally moved and have well water now. If these people were really concerned about the environment, how about they go after fracking, it is known to trigger earthquakes, poisons the

Its my understanding thay he has bipolar disorder. As someone with this condition, Hypersexuality is a serious side effect that a lot of people don't understand. It is triggered during a manic episode. It makes total sense to me why he is acting this way. It's horrible and disgusting, but a classic bipolar

Same guy who is (allegedly) super religious and started his own church. GO FIGURE.

He fits right in with the company he keeps. He’s trash, but he won’t ever be elected trash. We have enough of that already.

We’ve known for years that he’s nothing but trash. The only thing I find surprising about it is that no one has spoken up before this. All those people who gave him oxygen and continued to enable this kind of behavior...

How many fucks do you suppose they give about the people of Flint, MI and other places who have to buy bottled water because their tap water is literally toxic? 

This is what I want people to feel when they put on our shoes.”

“I mean...most of us have seen her in an explicit vid. How’d you think she got famous??” wrote one user.