
“I thought you didn’t send pretty girls to prison?”

You’re welcome. It honestly exhausts me how confident blonde women are in their attractiveness. It’s like the female version of “Grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man”

She allegedly was so cerebral when she found out when the trial was and was pregnant and had a young infant at the beginning of the trial, and now she’s pregnant before jail. How convenient. pregnancy don’t get sympathy, woman. Your company fucked up a shit ton of folks lives, making a woman thinking she was

I don’t know why I’m shocked that I live in a world in which she is considered pretty...

“I can’t help but think that the justice system continues to make examples out of women who dare to ...”

Elizabeth Holmes father was a CEO at Enron. He has given millions of dollars to politicians over the years and still has leverage. Corey Booker is just keeping a donor happy

This is a reminder that the only crime that the wealthy and powerful will be held accountable for are those crimes that financially hurt other wealthy and powerful people. She fucked around with wealthy investor’s money and found out.  

“They don’t put attractive people like me in jail.”

From another source: the consumers who used the health-testing services provided by Theranos won’t get the ending they had hoped for. Holmes was found not guilty on three charges of defrauding patients and one charge of conspiracy to defraud patients.”

If you wanted to only look at the medical outcomes for patients who received false blood results and may have taken advice premised on those results... That’s an unknown since the victims are still facing the impending medical treatments to resolve their illnesses.

I’m not crazy about the fat-shaming myself but that’s objectively how the victim described him. I don’t get the sense anywhere that the writer is saying that Weinstein is a monster for having the audacity to be a rapist AND fat. As for the penis-shaming... look, that’s HIS penis the victim (and the author) is

so now the woke mob is trying to cancel slavery smdh

Racist incidents on the university campus date back to 2008.”

all the “friends” and “assistants" that helped him trap women need to pay.

My brother, and one of his sons, have become truly ashy hoteps.  “Black people need to support Kyrie!  He only spoke the truth!”  No, he didn’t.  And he does not have the courage of his own convictions, so why should I support - wait, support him just for being black???  Did he come up with a plan to help black folk,

The fake intellectual vibe is strong in the comments.

People are capable of wearing more than one hat. You can be good at basketball, and a racist. Just like you could be good at acting, but a brainwashed religious zealot or a musical genius, and a pedophile. People are not two dimensional, and Irving can’t use his platform as a public figure to spout his views and then

I kinda feel for Kyrie. He is really, really good at basketball. And I believe that he has a good heart. He says that he wants to be a source of love and light to the world, and I totally believe him. On the other had, he is gullible AF. The first clue was the whole “I am pretty sure the Earth is flat” stuff. Sorta

I’ll start by admitting I was done with Kyrie when I first heard him getting a little too comfy with the conspiracy theories. My issue with this latest episode of his is the same thing I feel when somebody non-Black says something that offends me and tries to minimize my feelings or tell me what my reaction should be:

If you can’t educate yourself on the history of Jewish allyship in the struggle for Black Civil Rights, the denouncements by Jewish people internationally of Israel’s apartheid policies, or the anti-Jewish history of white supremacist organizations, then I really don’t know what to say to you.