
And it just takes three or four weeks to get the hearing by which time the abortion procedure goes from taking a couple of pills to having to actually labor.

I’m sure this would be a timely process and not dragged out at all to end up with “Oh, you passed the 15-week mark, too bad.”

And it would totally be populated by the kind of ghouls who currently sit on HOA boards. Busy bodies & Karens all the way down...

I definitely want to have a say in what medical procedures my neighbors are allowed to get. You play loud music and don’t pick up after your dog?

It’s ALWAYS about him. An “apology” that ends up about him. He might have some mental issues but overall he’s just a narcissistic a**hole.

Uh Candace Honey you must know some different Wypipo, because I can promise none of the ones I know give a shit. Trust me I know quite a few and ain’t none of them thinking about Tom & Gisele.

Name one person who doesn’t know them personally who’s said they’re devastated” by this news.

My mom got pregnant with me at 40 and had ALL the tests done because she knew she’d likely become a single parent and “old”. She once told me that if any of them had come back saying I’d be born with any serious abnormality that she would have aborted me. I 100% agreed with her and was glad she had the choice. I can’t

If there parents can afford to send them to the "school" then their parents have enough money that none of your concerns are things they will have to worry about. Having parents that would pay that much to send you to a cult-y school though will probably mean years of therapy. 

Please tell me they do not end up getting married. 

“Really? I would never. I could never do that. Especially knowing we’re trying to have a kid. Just...just abort mission because they’re gonna have some challenges and we’re gonna have some challenges? I’m mentally tough enough to handle whatever challenge that may present.”

Having taken a peek at their curriculum, it doesn’t sound all that different from any run-of-the-mill Christian School. A little curious how they are getting insurance for teaching “parkour”, that feels like a series of accidents just waiting to happen.

This show is about skiny pretty people. He is way too young and immature. Man are dumb on that show and I don’t know what women see in them.

People are laughing at the parents for falling for Ye’s grift, but these kids have it so rough. How do you cope with school entirely ending with less than a day’s notice?

That Kanye still draws breath when we have lost giants like Whitney, Michael, and Aretha just baffles me.

Parkour will save his empire surely

This is the kind of shit that becomes your life when you rely on an unstable narcissist for your paycheck.

I suppose it should be a little heartening that the angriest, but most nonsensical, responses to this article are from men whose knee-jerk reaction is that since they can’t see themselves committing this type of crime for this particularly toxic reason no other man but this exact perpetrator should be considered

A lot of sensitive men on here. What do you say to the WP and WW when they get their little feelings hurt when we mention racism. I think I’ve heard “If you’re not doing it, if it’s not you, then don’t get offended and say it’s not All WP; JSTFU and be an ally.

West is currently in the “Find Out” stage of FAFO. Boy, bye. You all the way done.