
That part.

The relationship between Black Alaskans (yes, we are here) and Asian-American Alaskans has been okay-ish so this is even more bizarre. Unfortunately there are those AsAms who are convinced their way to whiteness is through anti-Black racism. 

I would think her MAGA hate allows her to go through life whitely enough in general. As with people who grossly overestimate the extent to which they are “rich” or “popular”, I imagine she just runs face first into situations where she’s insufficiently white, and sputters through them surprised, indignant and no wiser

Why the heck can god make a billion zillion galaxies in a day out of nothing, but to make a woman he needs to cheat and take a shortcut and use Adam’s rib? I’m beginning to think the whole account is a bit sus.

Yup. Never mind that God is also the world’s leading abortion provider (ending something like 20% of all pregnancies).

Back in 1993 or so when I first got on the internet I never would have imagined that we’d be using it to discuss goddamn Robert Kardashian’s kids so fucking much, but here we are.

The Texas complaint states On the contrary, EMTALA contemplates that an emergency medical condition is one that threatens the life of the unborn child. It is obvious that abortion does not preserve the life or health of an unborn child.”

If everyone would stop reporting on them and cut off their attention flow, the trash would take itself out.  I feel sorry for the kids in the entire Kardashian universe, they’re going to make a couple  of psychologists/psychiatrists rich.

And it’s always white bloggers doing this excessive fangirling with awkward AAVE (“shootin’ her shot” etc.) Idk why they do it but it’s cringe. Black media outlets tend to criticize these celebrities for their weird behavior like everyone else.

When you burn yourself on your own hot take.

So, you’re bashing paparazzi for covering the Wests, who you also cover on a daily basis? You also... post the “how dare they?!?” photos? LOL.

Hey, Emily, don’t be a hack. Respond to these criticisms of your terrible take where you blame a child for an adult’s predatory behavior.

Holy shit. What the fuck is wrong with you, Emily?

Doja is an adult, messaging a child actor, asking him to help her sleep with his adult co-star.

THAT is what happened here.  Fuck right off with this horrible take.

Famous 26-year-old Female Singer DMs Underaged Male Child Actor To Facilitate Sexual Encounter With Another

Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.

Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.

LOL GENETICS? Go find pictures of when she was Paris Hilton’s stylist or assistant or whatever she was. She was an adult with a standard kind of unremarkable figure and her face didn’t look almost anything like it does now. Genetics! LOL! This bitch!

Yeah, “genetics” named Drs. Kramer and Wasserstein of the Malibu Secret Surgery Clinic...

“I’m gonna break it down for you, because it’s actually quite simple, and anybody can do this. Anybody on the planet can do this. First thing’s first: if you have job—like a 9-5 job—quit that. Do you like food? Forget about that. Because you’re never going to enjoy anything you eat. Alcohol? Sorry. That’s out. So what

all of this celebrity “getting in shape” stuff is such bullshit.