
Seems pretty simple just to call people what they want to be called.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

Is it not possible that Bette, who has always been a LGBTQ ally, just spoke poorly?

What’s interesting to me about this conversation about womanhood and transpeople is that it somehow always seem to assume that all women have been treated the same, legally, in America. We know this is not true. So you have women of ethnic and cultural backgrounds whose reproductive health has never been a priority,

I’m fine with “women and birthing people” or “women and menstruators” or any other term people want, but I’m not ready to give up on woman/women because women are still struggling to achieve equal rights and the word’s existence doesn’t preclude that of people with other gender identities, but they can be listed in

Leo Daunt of Daunt’s Albatross called police on June 20 to say that “two very drunk Irishmen were walking around the property and knocking on doors.”

Do yourself a favor and read the entire police blotter from that day — it’s....something.

In like 5-10 years I want to see Britney and Meghan Markle talk about their awful families and how far they’ve come since cutting ties. Maybe on a panel moderated by Drew Barrymore.

This would be fatal to any Democrat, and probably some Republicans. But for rank and file Republicans, and certainly for Donald Trump, it will be meaningless.

This will never happen, because this is America, and the rich don’t have laws.

Other countries that give the Ugly American a run for their money (or sometimes even make us look good by comparison): The Ugly Australian and the Ugly Chinese.

It’s very weird to see Jezebel rewrite it’s attitude to the 2016 elections. Most of the writers have left now, but this site was decidedly anti Hillary Clinton.

Well, she’s got a long list of reasons to choose from. He’s clearly not supportive and was maybe/probably openly antagonizing her.

Now playing

For old fogies who can remember this, like myself, the scariest episode(s) of Sesame Street were from 1970, when Mississippi’s PBS station committee banned the show from the state network’s inaugural broadcasts period because the show’s integrated cast and neighborhood setting were deemed unsuitable for Mississippi’s

I’m sorry, but as someone who has been on multiple juries, if you don’t think misogyny and patriarchy come into play (I say this as a middle-aged white guy in a corporate job, even, note), you’re outright stupid. I mean there’s no other words for.

Wendy Williams is a horrible person who made her living off exploiting and mocking other people’s private lives. I don’t wish her ill, but I can’t see her losing her show as anything but an unqualified positive

I think Heard got a bad deal from the jury and am not defending the verdict. At the same time, juries and police judge people - male and female - ALL THE TIME on how they think someone should act, either at the scene or time of the alleged crime, during questioning at the police station, or on the stand.

No victim will ever be perfect enough for them, if that victim has a vagina and/or presents as a woman.

The problem with this advise is it doesn’t distinguish between “technical” degrees andgeneral study” degrees.

Why are you giving this quack a platform? Some of this “advice” is useless at best and destructive at worst. Never mind the fact that the “Alternative Sources” of information nonsense is one of the reasons why we have grown adults taking the word of some random podcaster over credentialed experts. Why? Because if you