
Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and all of these other Nazis are the start of modern right-wing death squads in the good ole’ USA.

This article makes absolutely zero sense. The central conceit is that white people should stop identifying with the Handmaid’s Tale or using it as a symbol for the pro-choice movement because some black people don’t like the show, a show that attempts to right a wrong from the book by including people of color in the

Then, while forcing people to give birth is an affront to human rights, the repeated usage of gendered terms in this repeated warcry excludes trans and nonbinary pregnant people who need abortion access and care.”

Sorry to state this and more than likely it may not apply to your condition at the time but my wife had back issues so bad that she had to virtually crawl around for weeks. Long story short she talked to Dr. after Dr. and all told her the same-back surgery. We both concurred that it was NOT on the table as it were and

Am I wrong for being a little creeped out by the fact that the article did not note that the surgeon/victim was Black also? It’s almost like the author either didn’t think to Google his name, or thought it somehow didn’t matter at all to the story.

I am a black pediatrician. Yesterday, I had an angry father on a phone because I would not refill his child’s medication without reevaluating the child’s condition since it is a medication that should only be used for emergencies. But the medication refills kept coming in sooner than would be deemed safe. As I tried

As a black clinician myself, it is worthy to note here that his provider, Dr. Preston Phillips, is a black orthopedic surgeon. While most of us BIPOC in the medical community have known about the racial injustice within outcomes for black individuals. I would hope that we take this into consideration while managing

She is an olympic decathalon gold medalist.  She likely understands more about those “nuances” than the rest of us.

Already the unseasoned food eaters among us are shit taking this move. Oh and someone below did the same. Fuck off. Maybe as a mother she felt the need to go and help, maybe some of you should try to do the same.

I wish Jezebel would interview, like, a single person who knows about foreign policy and prisoner exchanges to try and understand what and if the government is doing and how these things work.

Despite the disorganization of his campaign and only getting on the ballot in a couple of states, he earned a total of 66,636 votes.

Imagine defending Ricky Gervais by declaring him not smug. LOL.

Now playing

I like James Acaster’s take on the whole ricky gervais comedy attempts.  Skip to 2:30 for the meat, but also don’t because James is brilliant.

Commenting to boost.

These assholes barely care about their own white, wealthy wives and daughters who have access to the best health care available. There isn’t a single goddamn chance in hell they could be bothered to think of a woman they aren’t directly related to, who isn’t in their socio-economic strata or, you know, white, as a

and that Black people were mere “replacers” who need to be eliminated,

Im native and it’s infuriating...they have no irony thinking they’ll be victims of genocide when it’s exactly what they’ve done/are doing for centuries all over the world to other peoples. #reddeal #landback

I wonder how Native Americans fit into this whole “Replacement theory” ideology?

I hate to be that person, but who the fuck cares how tall a dude is, famous or not? Calling 5’8” humble and “not so imposing” is just stupid. It’s not even that short. I mean, if Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan were like 4'9", I’d say have at it, but half of these seem like a stretch. Is there a dearth of Heard/Depp or

This list makes no sense.