
I’m not saying Depp is telling the truth or not. I refuse to take a side on this matter because I know I can’t be impartial. I will say that this is yet another bad take from Jez, because Heard’s lawyers have more or less made similar claims about Depp as was made against Miller regarding his alcoholism. It’s almost

Kanye and Kim Kardashian started dating in 2011 and welcomed their first child, daughter North West in June 2013. In May 2014, they tied the knot and got married. Since then, they have had three more children.

Where’s the slide when he sent his current,  and R Kelly’s former, publicist to harass a black woman and daughterin Atlanta to try to lend credence to Trumps election lies two days before the insurrection, to the point the FBI warned her to leave town?

Love that kid as much as you can and fuck the right. 

I might be wrong, but I don’t think you get to decide if you’re racist or not. Others will make that call based on your actions and words.

My partner and I moved from Seattle to Medellín, Colombia in September of 2016. We voted early, because Washington has early voting that’s entirely mail-in. The last time we were in the United States, things looked hopeful and full of exciting progress. We really thought we’d see the first female President of the US. I

It’s not the heteronormative definition of infertility. It’s biology. They aren’t infertile. That is by definition and reality true.

Blame the nurse not the legal system. Makes sense!!

There is a HIPAA exception for reporting suspected criminal activity to police. Of course abortion is not and should not be a crime, but we are swiftly going back to the bad old days when women died and lost their ability to have children, and the GOP is perfectly happy about this. The politics of cruelty are alive

Yep. Elizabeth is far more of a nefarious figure than your standard variety grifter. I dunno why people still don’t see her for as awful as she is. Maybe that air of mystery has people trying to analyze her too much, instead of just seeing a criminal. Actually….Elizabeth reminds me of Ted Bundy now that I think of it.

Despite their bailout BS now, they both were fully aware they were committing criminal acts and deserve to be punished.

I am a clinician who specializes in chronic disease management. Scare tactics do not work for *most* people. People tend to be apathetic or think they’re the exception. We get stuck in our patterns.

What are you worried about here, exactly? Yes, morbid obesity comes with increased health risks. But why do you feel the need to criticize this show so vehemently?

I don’t see how a show about fat people being active is “idolizing obesity”. If anything its encouraging everyone, regardless of size, to dance and work out and have fun.

I know his perspective is rooted in hatred, not ignorance, but it’s probably worth pointing out that the perfect correlation Cawthorn seems to assume exists between chromosomes and genitals just isn’t there. Intersex people are real. Not everyone has XX or XY chromosomes. And not every person with XX chromosomes has a

See, this is what I’m talking about.

I would guess the fans aren’t ready to see female cheerleaders in baggy shorts or sleeveless shirts and pants.

All kidding aside, NFL cheerleading will go the way of teaching and administrative work: salaries will be higher when men are involved.

Will Smith has always given me the “dead behind the eyes sociopath” vibe of Tom Cruise.

I’d argue that it’s the other way around: It shows how unprotected Black women are. No way in hell would Chris Rock have made that joke about a white woman suffering from a serious medical condition.