
The Blackest Oscars ever. And we have to have Black on Black violence? If that was staged, that’s F’ed up. If that was real, that’s F’ed up. That was seriously F’ed up.

Yup. They have ruined a few nice names 

It is more than right wingers that are concerned about trans women such as Thomas competing against cisgender women. And it hardly advances reasoned discussion on the issue to pretend so. Whether it is pure talent and determination that brought Thomas these wins, or the skeletal-muscular and lung capacity advantages

Truly exceptional swimmers, regardless of gender, are pretty rare. There’s a REASON everyone knew who Michael Phelps is, and before him it was Ian Thorpe and before that... man I can’t even remember? Because they were so far beyond the norm for that time that they stood out. Most years it’s a pretty close competition

Misogynoir. The sum total of racism and sexism is greater than just the constituent parts. People see Black women’s excellence and just have to take them down a notch.

Holding him accountable  and not giving him a platform to exhibit his dangerous issues is not cancelling him. Stop coddling men who behave badly.

No Trevor. You want to “coddle” the guy. Totally different “c” word, and frankly that’s what’s been happening for years already and it’s clearly NOT been working.

I’ve hated Kanye’s work since well before the whole Trump thing. That time when he walked on stage at the VMAs, took the microphone from Taylor Swift, and proclaimed that Beyoncé had the better music video... He would later apologize and then recant his own apology. A few years after, in 2015, he attempted to do the

“I said counsel Kanye not cancel Kanye.”

“I said counsel Kanye not cancel Kanye.”

Meh. If Kanye gets cancelled, I genuinely think the world would be better for it.

Ongoing harassment and stalking of his ex-wife, disclosing where his kids go to school, open threats to others, posting clips of animations of his killing another as another threat.. Then racist comments that finally gets him suspended for 24 hours.. Apparently threatening to kill someone, stalking, harassment wasn’t

Hol up pointy lip dude, your brand of bullshit is exactly that - yours.  It ain’t a black thang; it’s yours.  I dislike when people decide to apply a thick layer of their bad behavior to everyone who might remotely share some of their characteristics.

Kayne has had money and the power to get the best help for his issues for at least the last 15+ years and time and time again, he shows that he doesn’t want help and is quite content to continue being a thirsty, unhinged attention whore.

Only a fool would put on a cape for Kanye at this point. He’s an embarrassment to any and every thing he stands for. Pity.

Wait.  When did harrassment, threats, and general ugliness transfer to The Culture.  Kanye has a lot of folk on edge due to his actions, which has nothing to do with The Culture.  This isn’t silence, this is keeping people SAFE, especially women, by not giving him another platform to use as a rant for his feelings. 

“Time & time again they show us that they only want to STEAL the culture, not allow you to ever be their equals”, he began his caption. “The Grammys have at the last minute decided to pull {Kanye West} from performing on the show as if we didn’t know it was coming.”

What’s considered “within tolerable limits” by high-powered, big money has narrowed recently. One does not have to be completely without fault, but the guy lashing out at everyone insanely this way is certainly going to be outside of those limits.

The issue with the directors comments has nothing to do with whether the William’s sisters can or can’t beat men. Her statement “You’re marvels, however, you don’t play against the guys, like I have to.” implied that she, a white woman has unquestionably had to overcome more hardship to get where she is, than the

Mixed Doubles exist, Serena and Venus have both won multiple opens in that field.