
As someone with Indian heritage, I am so thrilled that this viewpoint is published here. I fully heart this and agree.

So how is that going to work exactly? 

The number of people in the American prison system for nonviolent, low-level drug offenses is estimated somewhere between 20,000-150,000+ depending on your data and definition, a criminal record that can make it difficult to find employment, housing, and just generally live a normal life on top of, you know, being in

I’m not surprised. Not because I knew there’s racism there, but because this is war, it brings out the worst in people. Fear leads to tribalism, nationalism, and other ugly “isms” everywhere.

And now their youngest. Today, he made a post about their daughter Chicago on Instagram, sharing photos taken of her using a silly Snapchat filter that adds makeup. Anybody who has spent any time around kids in the last 5 years knows littles LOVE playing with those Snapchat and Instagram filters.

Anyway, he wrote,

Back in the day, when Kanye spoke about possibly aborting their eldest child on stage, I figured that would be the end of their relationship. Talk about a huge boundary violation, particularly involving a small child. So, when Kanye, started to get up in Kim’s business about North being on TikTok, it really gave me

Sigh...whether I’m judging individual people or not, I think the bigger problem is this movement toward saying plastic surgery is a good solution to aging or insecurity. I don’t mean that everyone who succumbs to the pressure to stay young/get hot is so wrong and deserves blame and judgment, just that the answer to

Real relationships? With people who would (in her head, anyway) judge her for aging? No one’s saying she has to live under a rock. But presumably she has some friends/family and a life that DON’T revolve around her being hot and young. This idea that it’s reasonable for a model to define herself by her looks and we

This is a woman who has spent most of her life being told and sent the message that her value as a contributing member of society centers around her looks.

When the marriage ended I was convinced he stepped out on the marriage and had an affair(s). After all this I’m convinced that the last straw for Kim was probably abuse of some kind - emotional, physical, etc. A man doesn’t act so erratic, menacing, or controlling after the relationship ends, if it wasn’t already in

I get that too. I feel sympathy for her the same way, I’d feel for anyone who had complications from a cosmetic procedure. You’re absolutely right that this isnt happening in a vaccum and that she helped create and profited from this impossible standard of beauty. I really don’t think that younger Jezebel readers and

She looks like an average middle aged woman, which I surmise is why she feels like she was “disfigured.” While I understand the immense difficulty associated with her journey, disfigured is wildly out of touch and serves to re-establish the unrealistic beauty standards women face.

If no one knew her as LE, they

Of course they’ll learn. Then they will tell anyone who will listen that they came up with it first 🤷🏽

This ain’t sideways already?  Oh lord.

I’m glad someone mentioned suspending his socials. People have been permanently banned for less. Ye is a rich, entitled douchebag who is stalking and threatening people because he can’t get his way. And if this behavior continues to go unchecked, there are going to be four beautiful babies with an incarcerated father

I’m worried that he would get desperate and try to harm Kim or Pete physically. I think he, like many of us (including me), needs to see a mental health professional to try and work out some of this stuff before it leads to more pain for not only himself, but everyone else around him. 

Kanye’s behavior is really concerning. He is harassing and stalking his ex and her new partner. Today, he asked his fans to harass Davidson. He has tried to create a hostile work environment for Davidson. He apparently just sent a truck bed full of roses to Kim in an attempt to love bomb her just a day after

my wife pays zero attention to pop culture and is still like “wow I never thought I’d feel sympathy and concern for Kim Kardashian.

Why should Kim and Pete lay low? Kanye is the one acting like a full-on abusive stalker. It’s time for legal action.

At what point do Kanye’s antics go from mania and a mental health collapse into DV and chargeable offenses. Because uh, it sure looks like stalking and harassment to me...