
This reads as a game which plays EXACTLY as Metroid has played for 35 years now. People are just used to having their hand held now, so it seems like bad design when, really, me and many other folks who grew up with the series had a blast looking for this stuff in years past.

Jesus Christ, get off your high horse. This is not the same as the Pepsi ad (for one thing, where’s the supermodel or notion that a carbonated beverage can soothe the savagery of the riot police) though I’m sure saying so gives you a bit of smug satisfaction. It’s a beer ad, yes, but at least it’s a beer ad that is

Holy shit, you need to learn sarcasm, quick. He was making fun of yet another person on the internet asking, “Am I the only one...?” Yes, in a world of SEVEN billion people, you are the only one who likes greatswords. SMH.

Oh, let’s ALSO not forget that you should go fuck yourself!

TO YOU. THEY AREN’T ARTISTS TO YOU. Obviously you believe your opinion should be a blanket statement for the rest of the world, but just because people create music, movies, books, etc. that you don’t care for or admire (or behave in a way that you don’t care for) doesn’t mean the rest of the world’s audience is on

How do you know that this sexuality isn’t who they are? Just because your view of sex is different than theirs doesn’t mean they’re wrong to do what they do so long as they’re the ones calling the shots. What comes across as “so edgy” to you might just be the normal for someone else–a normal that mainstream society

Oh, Jesus Christ. One of Cyndi’s worst songs (I cringe whenever she says “pirate’s smile”)and probably the dopiest song about abortion ever written (not that there’s a huge market for that)? I mean, I love Lauper (and “Hat Full of Stars,” for the most part-the title track is killer) but you have got to come up with a