
I have a very similar experience (and I’m sure there are many of us). When Obama won the presidency in 2008 I remember calling my Mom to celebrate only to hear her crying. She was beyond happy with the outcome, but at the same time she carried with her the loss that Hillary had been defeated during the primary.

I too made this mistake. It sounded great on release day, but after a week I was very “meh” about the whole thing. I can’t even imagine diving back into it just so I can see all the additional more-of-the-same-stuff I foolishly bought.

Wait? You’re really not trying to rant, but you just went on an unnecessary rant that, frankly, shows just what a selfish, shallow human being you are. If Melissa Etheridge had done something bad–if she had made disparaging remarks about Muslims, Orlando, tiny baby seals, or your Mom–then, yeah, maybe you’d have

No, sweetheart. I make a point of only insulting people I can tell I would never want to meet–makes it better for both of us. So, why don’t you go on with your badass, “I’m so mad cause a video game got delayed and this hill–and not the one, y’know, with all those actual, real-life problems–is the one I am choosing to

God, I can still remember how frustrated I would get when reading about yet ANOTHER Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link delay.

Honey, welcome to the internet: an abyss of opinion where truthful logic such as yours need not apply. Every life is in need of another life telling it to get a life so that life may be given to both the lifeless.

You realize you’re an idiot, right? I mean, unless you’re just trolling, in which case... BRAVO! Seriously, though, how is something being delayed to boost its quality a negative other than its forcing your virginal self to find something else to do with their time for another couple of months? If they release it

Just admit it, in trying to shove the narrative YOU WANTED into the discusiion, your article failed. Clinton has been in the public eye, doing public service now for twenty-five years. Don’t you consider it a little bit strange that in all that time none of us have gotten a real sense of who she is, what motivates

You’re seriously, such a dipshit. I’m so glad THIS, being a hardcore videogamer, is how you obviously feel like you’re worthwhile; like you’re SOMEBODY. Flash bulletein! No, you’re not. Let people play how they want to play (solo, NPC, Co-op) and quit thinking that accomplishing something one way in a Souls game

Perhaps you should get hit by a car and spare the world the excess pounds that are your life? I highly recommend it.

Well, hopefully you’ll die in less than ten years so you won’t have mourn him. Jesus, Mike lost a bunch of weight recently–give him a break!

So you prefer just being a fuck, then?

I’m so impressed that you-yes, you, Clio!-have taken it upon yourself to stand up for the subject of this story, treating them if they were your own flesh and blood. Your bleeding heart crying “neurotypical privilege” all the way home is incredibly stupid and asinine. Sorry to tell ya, sweetheart, but it’s not my job